The day you got married you made a promise to your spouse. The day of your wedding you had plenty of dreams, you saw an amazing life together, and you couldn’t imagine it being anything other than happily ever after. You probably had an amazing honeymoon together, and all was bliss.
And then you went home…
There are many stages to marriage. Through analyzing my own marriage, the marriages of friends of ours, through studying and writing about marriage, and now recently interviewing couples for our 7 Rings of Marriage web show, I’ve learned that healthy and fulfilling marriages go through 7 stages, or rings as I call them.
The video below, created by the Skit Guys, does an amazing job of giving you a brief illustration of what happens in three of those stages, the Wedding RING, the DiscoveRING, and the PerseveRING.
Check it out. While you are watching I’m sure you will see some of your marriage demonstrated by the couple in the video.
Have you experienced any of this in your marriage?
asmithblog says
Great find on the video, Jackie. These things seem to happen as we get more comfortable. But, it’s true that marriage is work, but it always pays off.
Jackie Bledsoe, Jr. says
And it pays off in a wonderful way!