Well, I asked you folks on Friday what you needed prayer for and I told you that I would let you know on Tuesday what I needed prayer for.
It’s a beautiful thing that we actually pray for each other on here.
Here is Tuesday and it is time to let you in for a second.
You see, the reason we thought we came out here to Colorado was to help plant a church in Westminster, CO and be there for a long time. Or at least that’s what we thought the reason was… Funny how God works.
We have been praying about all of this for a while because God has put us in Fort Collins for now, which is about an hour north of Westminster. This just didn’t make sense. We are a big believer in community and being able to invite others that we come in contact everyday in Fort Collins to a local church for fellowship and maybe even finding a relationship with Jesus.
So, after a year of being part of OrchardChurch and much prayer going into this huge decision, we announced last weekend that we would no longer be attending OrchardChurch. Wow. I said it out loud, or wrote it for everyone to see. It’s still weird to even talk about. To be honest, at first the thought of leaving before it came to be a huge church made me feel like a failure. Maybe you know that feeling I’m talking about, but thinking that the church was the reason we came to Colorado in the first place made it even more weird.
I will say that after going through this whole experience, I found that I am not a church planter. Yep, I said that out loud, too. I don’t have the patience and it’s crazy how much “behind the scenes” stuff goes into it. Some people will say I gave up. I’m saying that it isn’t what we are supposed to do right now. If moving from Georgia wasn’t enough, now everything is changing. Again. I just wanted to let you all know where we were in life and would love for you to keep us in your prayers as we seek God’s direction for us. Thanks for that.
We have loved the time we’ve had with OrchardChurch over the past year and still have an awesome relationship with the pastor and his wife, Randy and Leslie Burris. We will miss those awesome folks, but it’s definitely not goodbye.
Lord, we are here in Colorado waiting to hear from You on what is next for us. We have no idea what’s ahead and feel peace about the decision you helped us make and know You are in control. But please Lord, don’t make us look stupid.
Think about it…
What’s a really difficult decision you’ve had to make recently, not recently, whatever? Discuss.
This is almost exactly what I’m going through here in Edmonton (having moved here 4 months ago from Winnipeg). I clearly heard from God about this move for almost 2 years…but found that nothing was like I thought it would be after moving here. Realtionships are being made, and I know this is where I am supposed to be for this season, but it’s hard, and not a little lonely and frustrating not knowing what to do next. Praying for you and your family (and I’d love some prayers too 🙂
This is almost exactly what I’m going through here in Edmonton (having moved here 4 months ago from Winnipeg). I clearly heard from God about this move for almost 2 years…but found that nothing was like I thought it would be after moving here. Realtionships are being made, and I know this is where I am supposed to be for this season, but it’s hard, and not a little lonely and frustrating not knowing what to do next. Praying for you and your family (and I’d love some prayers too 🙂
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” ~ Isaiah 30:21
God hasn’t forgotten you, nor His plan specific for you and your family. Keep seeking Him first and foremost and He’ll show you the way He wants you to go, even if it does make you look stupid to human eyes 🙂 Jesus takes care of His own.
Thanks for the reminder
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” ~ Isaiah 30:21
God hasn’t forgotten you, nor His plan specific for you and your family. Keep seeking Him first and foremost and He’ll show you the way He wants you to go, even if it does make you look stupid to human eyes 🙂 Jesus takes care of His own.
Thanks for the reminder
I’ve been involved in a lot of different ministry related ventures over the years. The one thing I haven’t really learned yet is how to know when to move on. (Or knowing I should be moving on, but ignoring it). That has caused me a ton of frustration.
If you know that it’s time for you to move on to something else, do it. Even if you’re not sure what you are moving to. Not moving on, in my experience, does a lot more harm than good.
I’m sure you have a lot of unanswered questions about the path your life has taken over the past year, but as things work out, I believe you’ll understand.
I think I will too man. Appreciate it:)
I’ve been involved in a lot of different ministry related ventures over the years. The one thing I haven’t really learned yet is how to know when to move on. (Or knowing I should be moving on, but ignoring it). That has caused me a ton of frustration.
If you know that it’s time for you to move on to something else, do it. Even if you’re not sure what you are moving to. Not moving on, in my experience, does a lot more harm than good.
I’m sure you have a lot of unanswered questions about the path your life has taken over the past year, but as things work out, I believe you’ll understand.
I think I will too man. Appreciate it:)
As a former church planter let me say “congratulations.” God knows us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes, oftentimes for me, he lets us go down a road for a while for us to get to come to a fork we never expected. I started out as a SBC church planter, flirted with the whole non-denom thing, and turned out that God wanted me to become a Presbyterian elder. Go figure.
Two points in all this. 1. You didn’t fail (God, yourself, or your family even if your feelings say otherwise). 2. God has a great plan for you in all of this.
Brother I got a word for you from God via St. Paul. “God works all things together for good for those that love him are called according to his purpose.” That’s you.
I’m praying for you and proud of you. There I said it.
ha. thanks man. means a lot. for real
As a former church planter let me say “congratulations.” God knows us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes, oftentimes for me, he lets us go down a road for a while for us to get to come to a fork we never expected. I started out as a SBC church planter, flirted with the whole non-denom thing, and turned out that God wanted me to become a Presbyterian elder. Go figure.
Two points in all this. 1. You didn’t fail (God, yourself, or your family even if your feelings say otherwise). 2. God has a great plan for you in all of this.
Brother I got a word for you from God via St. Paul. “God works all things together for good for those that love him are called according to his purpose.” That’s you.
I’m praying for you and proud of you. There I said it.
ha. thanks man. means a lot. for real
love your honesty….. praying that you and jasmine rachael will have peace and security….
thanks so much friend:)
love your honesty….. praying that you and jasmine rachael will have peace and security….
thanks so much friend:)
Wow man, that’s some decision. I will be praying for you and your family. If things are easy, then you know it’s not from God. He has awesome things in store for you!
now that is a good reminder. thanks for that
Wow man, that’s some decision. I will be praying for you and your family. If things are easy, then you know it’s not from God. He has awesome things in store for you!
now that is a good reminder. thanks for that
Praying for you guys, Adam. I think the most difficult decision I’ll have to make is coming up in a few months. I’ve been offered to move across the country, like you guys did, but without even so much as a job opportunity waiting for me. I’m actually leaning toward doing it simply because it would be the biggest risk I’ve ever taken, and I need to take more risks. Not much is going on down here for me anyways.
I will definitely keep you in my prayers man. Let me know when you decide
Praying for you guys, Adam. I think the most difficult decision I’ll have to make is coming up in a few months. I’ve been offered to move across the country, like you guys did, but without even so much as a job opportunity waiting for me. I’m actually leaning toward doing it simply because it would be the biggest risk I’ve ever taken, and I need to take more risks. Not much is going on down here for me anyways.
I will definitely keep you in my prayers man. Let me know when you decide
Thanks for sharing! It takes guts to follow God even if you don’t know where he is going. This is some serious Joshua 1:9 stuff.
I recently left my church in Florida to follow God down a new and exciting path. It’s an exciting journey. Praying for you!
thanks man! praying for you as well 🙂
Thanks for sharing! It takes guts to follow God even if you don’t know where he is going. This is some serious Joshua 1:9 stuff.
I recently left my church in Florida to follow God down a new and exciting path. It’s an exciting journey. Praying for you!
thanks man! praying for you as well 🙂
Prayers and many blessings for you and your family.
thanks so much!
Prayers and many blessings for you and your family.
thanks so much!
Where to begin… We quit our jobs and lost our health insurance despite having two kids with ongoing illnesses, sold a house and moved, sold that house and moved again. Started school in one location, finishing in another with no assurance of actually having the money to pay the tuition. Taught at three different schools at once (with 8 hour commute on the “long day” which cost more to get back and forth to work than was earned in class). Emptied bank/retirement accounts to zero in to travel to places with no idea why other than having the “sense” that it was the next right thing. Met amazing people in those places who propelled us forward one serendipitous step at a time. People thought we were crazy. We thought we were crazy. About 7 years later we are just starting to land. All that to say, these have been some of the most harrowing, horrible, fantastic, exciting years of our lives. We are completely different people than we were before we started – including that the uncertainty no longer bothers us one bit. When this stops being odd and starts being exciting – when you find it natural to ignore what people think and live for process rather than outcomes (which is the polar opposite of what we are taught/trained to do) it all becomes easy and intuitive. Peace to you and yours…
wow. that’s some story. i would be scared to do all that, but im guessing you and your family knew you were supposed to go through with it. and thats awesome. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Actually, we had no idea. Just one scary decision at a time and before you know it you are out on a limb, outside of that which is easily explained and have no choice but to trust the God you claim with your very life and livelihood.
Where to begin… We quit our jobs and lost our health insurance despite having two kids with ongoing illnesses, sold a house and moved, sold that house and moved again. Started school in one location, finishing in another with no assurance of actually having the money to pay the tuition. Taught at three different schools at once (with 8 hour commute on the “long day” which cost more to get back and forth to work than was earned in class). Emptied bank/retirement accounts to zero in to travel to places with no idea why other than having the “sense” that it was the next right thing. Met amazing people in those places who propelled us forward one serendipitous step at a time. People thought we were crazy. We thought we were crazy. About 7 years later we are just starting to land. All that to say, these have been some of the most harrowing, horrible, fantastic, exciting years of our lives. We are completely different people than we were before we started – including that the uncertainty no longer bothers us one bit. When this stops being odd and starts being exciting – when you find it natural to ignore what people think and live for process rather than outcomes (which is the polar opposite of what we are taught/trained to do) it all becomes easy and intuitive. Peace to you and yours…
wow. that’s some story. i would be scared to do all that, but im guessing you and your family knew you were supposed to go through with it. and thats awesome. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Actually, we had no idea. Just one scary decision at a time and before you know it you are out on a limb, outside of that which is easily explained and have no choice but to trust the God you claim with your very life and livelihood.
Hey bro. It would seem that we are in a similar season (in multiple ways). Details to come very soon.
I am praying for you and Jasmine and would appreciate the same in return.
will do man and thnks. im very interested to hear what this is all about…
Making some moves of our own. I’ll post details on my blog soon.
Hey bro. It would seem that we are in a similar season (in multiple ways). Details to come very soon.
I am praying for you and Jasmine and would appreciate the same in return.
will do man and thnks. im very interested to hear what this is all about…
Making some moves of our own. I’ll post details on my blog soon.
i understand how unsettled — unanchored — this kind of transition and change feels… it is such a hard place to be. thinking of you guys, and hoping with you for what lies ahead.
thanks so much
i understand how unsettled — unanchored — this kind of transition and change feels… it is such a hard place to be. thinking of you guys, and hoping with you for what lies ahead.
thanks so much