This my pastor, Randy. He is awesome because he listens. I hope you have a relationship with your pastor or a leader in the church that will stop and listen.
What character traits do you believe makes a great pastor? Or even fill in the blank- I have a great pastor because he/she ____________.
My pastor is awesome because he asks me how school is going when I am not in Charlotte in front of his face.
that's awesome man.
My pastor is grest
Not because of who he is
But Who lives in him
My pastor is awesome because he remembers our previous conversations.
That is awesome. Love it……
With those links in mind it might be better to not wear a t-shirt saying that prayer is comparable to karate.
For me, any pastor who doesn't touch up the kids is a bonus.
Dude, my shirt is about prayer. His shirt says "I don't know karate, but I know crazy." Read brother
In truth, immediately i didn’t understand the essence. But after re-reading all at once became clear.
OK, narrowed down to five – insatiable hunger for God's presence, humility, servant's heart, balanced communication of the truth in love, transparent honesty about his own walk – the joy, the pain, the struggles…after all, he ain't Jesus, and my own personal preference – a sense of humor about carrying around "this treasure in earthen vessels" (II Cor 4:7).
Those r all good mom. U so smart
my pastor is great because he's humble.
So important
my pastor is amazing because he has listened to me too. he has been caring, compassionate, always giving of his time, unshockable, non judgemental. my pastor is awesome because he has a heart to see people living healthy and fulfilled lives but understands that sometimes , for some people, their worlds are full of pain, depression, self harm and often other taboo topics people dont want to acknowledge … yet he does.
my pastor is awesome, because he has stood by me through thick and thin, at normal working hours times and at the 4 am emergency times. he has held my hand while i sat in an ambulance OD ing … and he has come round with food on a plate. him and his wife have held me, loved me and continually showered me with 'value'. made me feel worth it … made me feel my life is worth it . he has earned my respect AND trust, something that i never thought i'd give a man again, and it has been no mean feat for him, its taken him years and years to gain that …
whoah, man, that was quite emotional to write! when you put everything together and look at it like that, what a guy 🙂
That is so great. Love ur answer
My pastor is awesome because he acts like Td jakes. lol. His preachings are so loud & crazy but so powerful and true:)
If he's anything like TD I would love him. Ha. Awesome
Yeah, wish I hear someone like TD Jakes every week, lol. I'm not complaining though. My pastor is already a great pastor.
that's great
thats awesome man