The way in which you see the world is very important. So important in fact, that the filter in which you make decisions has had much to do with where you currently are. Can you go back to a decision that you made years ago because of your philosophy of life that has something to do with where you are at today? I’m sure you can. The important thing to note is that everyone has a certain set of beliefs about the world. (Even if one says they don’t have a specific worldview, their worldview is to not see through the lens of a worldview.)
Even though I don’t talk about my Christian worldview often on here because this is a business blog, for me not to share it would cause me to leave the biggest piece of my life out of the picture. But even though I feel it is my responsibility to share my complete thoughts here, please don’t let my worldview scare you away. Instead, let it be a reminder that your own worldview has already helped shape you and your decision making.
Since my worldview tells me to love people, I show love to people. Since my worldview tells me to not put such a focus on worldly possessions because this world is temporary, I don’t place much focus on things. (In fact, I don’t spend a lot of money on things because it makes me feel very comfortable. And feeling too comfortable has only made me lazy in the past.) And because my worldview tells me that pride comes before a fall, I know to fight pride relentlessly.
I tell you all of this not to share my beliefs necessarily, but to show you that I keep my worldview near and dear to my heart. Doing this affects my decision making, and I want to remind you that your worldview does the same for you. Every leader throughout history has had a worldview of some sort. They have made decisions and interacted with the world in ways based on their worldview and their specific set of beliefs, which made them the leader they became.
So, here’s your reminder: Pay attention to your worldview because it will ultimately form you into your future self.
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