I have been in church my entire life. Maybe you have been in church for quite some time, too. I have loved all of the churches that I’ve called myself a member of, but all in different ways. After saying this, none of them have been the perfect church. I always find something that I don’t necessarily agree with, whether it’s a big or small deal. But I do realize there’s not a totally perfect church out there. If you have found the perfect church please let me know, because I want to come check it out.
i believe in church being 'family like no other' and am very lucky to have found a church that is that. i remember replying to your blog once, about pastors, and giving a reason why my pastor is so great or something, and the essence of it was I trust him (which was a very hard thing for me to do) and he treats me like he would someone in his immediate family, especially in serious pastoral issue circumstances.
my church accepts it has weaknesses and strives to deal with them, whilst recognises and works together to achieve great things.
i believe honesty amongst the leadership and the congregation is good too, and that people in positions of authority have integrity. Sadly so many people are spiritually homeless in regards to having a church base, because of lack of these things.
I could sit forever and come up with a whole list of what makes a church, but at the top of it is being family (well, aside form the believing in God bit!!) 🙂
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(p.s, sorry to be a bit thick, but can someone tell me what the 2p is next to my name? have only ever seen it on this blog?)
(er and as i typed this comment it went up to 4p ?! )
its ur intensedebate score
@fragmentz: it's the points you've earned for commenting through intense debate;)
so fundamentally the perfect church will not exist until… the end, but there are elements of the church going experience that can make it quite extraordinary. some of my faves are: strong family dynamic & a sense of belonging, sound doctrine in preaching and in practice, responsible stewardship of finances (caring for widows, orphans, aliens, needs of the church family, etc.), secure in its identity as the bride of Christ and not constantly changing to become more acceptable but rather to become more like its true self, and i suppose a church that has a desire for me (not my finances, my influence, my experience, my talent… but just me, the good the bad the ugly and the beautiful). that sounds just about as close to perfect as i could imagine right now;)
My recent post interview with a covert conspirator…
well put
thanks phlio, am i supposed to debate you on your reply now, to earn more coins ? 😀
(for the record, i go with what you say … i guess to have a perfect church, you would need to take us all outta it!) 🙂
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Want to find the perfect church?
First, read St. Augustine’s City of God. I think your question is answered there. If not, let me know after you finish reading it.
Second, if you find the perfect church, don’t even visit it. It will cease to be perfect.
(If you don’t get my second point, read Augustine’s Confessions.)
i'll have to read that man
Church is made by humans, so do not expect to find a perfect one, 'cause it doesn't exists!
And i've never read St. Augustine, but i do agree with Bob.
love from Brazil
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The Bible, as God's inspired Word, forms the basis for the closest thing to a perfect church. Since currently only imperfect humans worship our Creator, there cannot be a perfect church at this time. However, using the Bible, the following points for consideration come to the fore: The church should vindicate God's sovreignty, sanctify the Father's name, Jehovah which in the original Bible manuscripts is mentioned about 7,000 times. The Bible forms the guide for worship. Jesus, God's Son said Love is the identifying mark of true Christian Church. True Christians are neutral in the world's political affairs, since the Kingdom of God is the perfect government the church espouses. The true church is not involved in the world's wars and conflicts, and for that reason is unified as an international group. The church using the Bible strives to have holy conduct, and shares pure teachings from the holy scriptures. Does this international group of imperfect Christians exist? Yes, millions worship in unity in over 250 lands and islands of the sea; they are Jehovah's Witnesses and are Christian. But, alas, they are not perfect.