One of my favorite articles about the workweek as we know it today can be found here. The five-day workweek was created in 1908. And now in 2017, people’s work weeks range from ten hours per week to over one-hundred hours. But wherever you fall on the spectrum, I think you can agree that individuals must find their most productive hours worked per week and stick to it, rather than comparing their schedules to the schedules of others.
Some people can work ten hours every week and get more done in those hours than those who work forty because they are laser-focused rather than doing their job half-heartedly. Yes, many people who work forty hours every week probably only get ten hours of focused work out of their schedule anyway. And then those who boast a one-hundred-hour weekly schedule may seem productive, but how much more productive could they be with fewer hours per week worked? I guess only they can answer that.
Yes, the answer to the perfect workweek depends on the individual, and luckily businesses are beginning to take notice. This is why some employers are allowing their employees to adopt a flexible work schedule. People need more freedom in the workplace.
All of this being said, pay attention to your schedule and work how you work best, because that is the only way to be truly productive.
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