Photo Credit: VinothChandar via Compfight cc
What if every leader bought into the lies of…
“I’m not good enough?”
Or, “I’m not confident enough to lead others because I don’t feel ‘worthy’?”
Or, “I should listen to the lies that are fed from doubt and just give up?”
If all leaders listened to these things, then there wouldn’t be anybody leading.
Because all leaders are fed this nonsense at some point in time. Maybe some more than others. Whether it be from self-doubt, a person’s past that holds them up, not having a vision of where they want to go or these thoughts being fed from other people, ALL great leaders find themselves in a spot where insecurities arise.
The question is,
“If every leader has these thoughts at some point, then what should leaders do with these feelings and emotions?”
The key is to not let your mind go to these places. Don’t listen to the lies.
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5
This verse reminds us to take every thought captive when it doesn’t line up with God. Remember, He doesn’t want us to have insecurities. He sees us a lot differently than self-doubt makes us see ourselves. Yes, training yourself to do this every time a defeating thought comes to you takes discipline, but taking hold of your thoughts is the only way to be the leader you were intended to be.
What defeating thoughts have you had and how do you handle them. Share to help others. You can leave your comment below.
I have to squash the thought that I would be more successful IF I had more time, money and influential friends. That is a devilish lie.
We have all had that terrible thought…
I have to squash the thought that I would be more successful IF I had more time, money and influential friends. That is a devilish lie.
We have all had that terrible thought…
This is great, and a must read for every leader! Thank you for your faithfulness!
Thank you for reading.
This is great, and a must read for every leader! Thank you for your faithfulness!
Thank you for reading.
I’ve definitely had the thoughts of not being good enough. I just remind myself I’m better than someone – I can help somebody to get to where I’m at.
Also, I’ve felt I am too young. This was more when I started dreaming of writing; I was 22. Honestly, it may have been true for many different reasons: immaturity, inexperience, undeveloped ideas, etc… However, even while feeling “too young,” I still trained and practiced my art. Hard work, dedication, and persistence beats the “too young” syndrome. If you put in the work, the time will pass, you will grow, and suddenly you may not be excused by being too young anymore. I’m now 25, and in no way have arrived, but I am still increasing my talents, learning valuable lessons, and growing in wisdom. Sometimes working first should replace thinking on fears. Action defeats fear. Speaking new thoughts, or progressive ation – they both take those nasty thoughts and beat em down.
That’s really good Brad.
I’ve definitely had the thoughts of not being good enough. I just remind myself I’m better than someone – I can help somebody to get to where I’m at.
Also, I’ve felt I am too young. This was more when I started dreaming of writing; I was 22. Honestly, it may have been true for many different reasons: immaturity, inexperience, undeveloped ideas, etc… However, even while feeling “too young,” I still trained and practiced my art. Hard work, dedication, and persistence beats the “too young” syndrome. If you put in the work, the time will pass, you will grow, and suddenly you may not be excused by being too young anymore. I’m now 25, and in no way have arrived, but I am still increasing my talents, learning valuable lessons, and growing in wisdom. Sometimes working first should replace thinking on fears. Action defeats fear. Speaking new thoughts, or progressive ation – they both take those nasty thoughts and beat em down.
That’s really good Brad.