Staying focused in life is a problem the majority of people face. There are distractions everywhere and all of us have many different roles that conflict with each other. We are juggling time, shifting tasks and responding to crises daily. Everybody has a vision and goals that they want to achieve, but many are not proactively pursuing them with intention. Below is a list of 10 valuable ideas for staying focused in life. They are in no order of rank or implementation. Make an effort to incorporate them one-by-one and have a clear advantage in life.
#1. Track Your Time
You cannot stay focused in life if you do not know where you are. You may be amazed when you see where you spend most of your time. When I first used Eternity Time Log, I was disappointed in my time management. I was not staying focused on the right things. My disappointment created a shift to start focusing on people, not things. Tracking your time will allow you to see where you are focused.
#2. Follow a Routine
Create a routine that you can replicate every day, including weekends. A five-day working week can be problematic for routine building. Many of us suffer the dreaded Mondays. We have no momentum to push forward after the weekend. Staying focused means creating routines that keep you from being sidetracked.
#3. Use SMART Goals
Setting goals that are specific, measurable, and realistic will help you focus on your vision. Begin with the end in mind. Change starts when you commit it to writing and decide what needs to get done. As you start on your goals you may realize they are not realistic, but learn to be flexible. Change and results take longer than we expect. Create goals that stretch you to commit yourself. When you commit yourself, there is no turning back.
“We didn’t set out to be superheroes. But sometimes life doesn’t go the way you planned. The good thing is, my brother wanted to help a lot of people and that’s what we’re gonna do.” – Big Hero 6
#4. Act Daily
Consistently work on your goals and vision daily. Do the things that represent your vision and goals. Being proactive reduces crises, allowing us to do more of the things that result in long-term success and balance. Have a quick look at the week ahead and schedule time for the most important things in your life first.
#5. Journal Regularly
You can learn from writing down your experiences in a journal. Committing to journaling has real value by reducing stress, increasing self-awareness, sharpening your mental skills, and creating inspiration and insight. Staying focused begins with daily reflection to identify behavior to sustain and change.
#6. Meditate 10 Minutes a Day
I have been using Headspace and can recommend the app based on my initial impression. This week I had two great interactions due to using this app. First, a friend told me about the great benefits and change they feel from using Headspace. I have been interacting with the company’s customer care team and they are excellent. Besides the great benefits of meditating with their app, this company puts people first.
#7. Keep Good Company
It is the relationships we focus on that determines our level of productivity. I was once more focused on my circle of concern than my circle of influence. I realized this when I saw the results through Eternity Time Log. Relationships should be intent on both giving and receiving. “Win-Win” or “No Deal” as Stephen Covey might say.
“We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don’t know where you are aiming, you don’t have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, ‘she cared.” – Mary Kay Ash, American business woman and founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc.
#8. Take Breaks
Take regular breaks to help replenish willpower and concentration. There are many variations of the pomodoro technique when it comes to work and rest ratios. I read that students who study for 45 minutes and take a breather have a 25% more retention rate than students who study 2-3 hours without a break. This should speak volumes for staying focused. Check out the Pomotodo app and let me know what you think.
#9. Stay Fit
Everything is easier when you are healthier and more energized. It can be exhausting to start an exercise routine and attempt to keep up with the daily demands. If you stick with it and eat healthy, not only do you feel rejuvenated after exercise, but staying focused becomes easier as well. Living healthy not only improves concentration and exercise, but also improves mood and confidence.
#10. Have Fun!
Take time away from staying focused. Avoid burnout, take regular mini-vacations and escape. Do a digital detox. I recently spent 3 days hiking in the Shenandoah Valley with my son. I cannot tell you how much more connected and refreshed we feel after a few days off the grid. Maybe you prefer the beach or the lake, just escape and leave it all behind for a few days. You will be glad you did.
Adam Smith says
Great post, Kirby. I love how you equip readers with action steps to make their lives better. I especially love #8. I don’t take enough breaks throughout the day, so that’s just the push I need.
Kirby Ingles says
Thanks for the compliment and the feedback. I was aiming at giving some actionable items that readers can plug and play with, plus a few tools that helped me along the journey.
Joseyphina says
Sound advice you’ve given. Thanks for sharing.
Kirby Ingles says
Thank you. I wish you the best with your blog.
Erik Tyler says
Thanks, Kirby.
A couple thoughts come to mind. First is that I realize blogging is very much my “journaling.” I write from experience and I go back and read my own material (both in the blog and book) regularly. This combination of writing and reflecting definitely keep me on track and focused on the things that are important to me.
Also, the mental benefits of staying fit are as great as the physical benefits for me. If I have a lag in my workout routine, like when I’m on a trip without gym access, I feel less focused and more “foggy” than usual. I’ve learned many routines I can do without a gym, for the sole purpose that I need to stay focused, especially surrounding speaking engagements, whether a gym is available or not.