Think back to your wedding day, better yet the day you proposed to your wife, or were proposed to by your husband. Do you remember how you felt, whether you were excited, nervous, or even scared? You were probably thinking about the wonderful life you were about to share together.
Marriage is risky business
Very few of you were thinking about the risk/reward of marriage. But in reality marriage is a huge risk today. Some studies report that about half of marriages end in divorce. That doesn’t even include married couples who don’t divorce, but live together unhappily ever after, or just live apart. Why would you risk that?
What else do we commit so much to that has such a high probability of failure? There must be a pretty high reward to risk that much. Just think…would you deposit your hard earned money in the bank if, when the time came to pay your bills, there was only a 50% chance that money would be there? The bank would have to promise you a pretty hefty reward for that risk.
So, when it comes to marriage, why do it? Basically what I’m asking is…
What are your reasons for getting married?
I stumbled across a YouTube video by John Mark Comer, which gives several great reasons for getting married. And none of the reasons are our happiness. He presents pretty compelling stuff in light of all the debating, media coverage, and attempts to define or redefine marriage, which have taken place over the past few years.
Marriage is risky, but so worth it
What he shared especially struck a cord for someone like myself, who believes marriage has a much greater purpose than the marriage itself, or the individuals in the marriage. The video is must see TV, or YouTube, for any married couple, any couple in a serious relationship, and any individual who may want to get married one day.
Watch the video below and think about the reasons you got married.
In the comments please share your thoughts on the purposes of marriage.
Photo and video credits: YouTube
Great video and great points. I think he is right on when he says most people chase marriage for happiness. But, he also has great points for what marriage is for, too. Friendship is huge!
Yes, I thought this was a great and clear breakdown of marriage and the purpose.
It got me thinking. Very well represented, I love this kind of stuff.