Source: via Daily Quotes on Pinterest
As leaders we need to ask ourselves this simple question…
“Does my work offer people real solutions?”
If our work doesn’t, then there’s an issue.
Whether you answered with a “Yes” or “No” to that question, here are 3 ways to make sure you give more solutions to others through your work:
1. Know what areas you are strong in.
I go to an accountant for my financial needs. I go to a Bible scholar to know more about the Bible. I go to authors to find out more about writing. I go to book publishers to know more about publishing. Teachers have specific subjects that they teach.
Why do you think this is?
Because it is better to focus on one or two strengths and become really good at them. This allows you to know your field and become an expert.
People become experts in one or two things, not ten.
2. Study to find solutions.
Anticipate the questions that will be asked in your area of expertise and seek those solutions. Putting the time in to know your field inside and out will give you the solutions you and others are seeking. Then, take the time to understand the real issues that others have. Really listen to who you are helping and take the feedback to heart.
Research and feedback help form concrete ideas and solutions to the issues in your field of expertise.
3. Apply solutions in your own life.
Give your solutions a test run. If you really believe in something, you will apply it in your own life, not just talk about it. This alone influences others to apply those same real solutions in their own lives just by seeing the great results in yours. Remember that great results produces influence, which is where leadership abounds.
If you call yourself a leader, devote yourself today to become known for delivering a solution to the issues at hand. Of course you won’t be able to give a solution to every single thing, but you can know where to find the answers if needed.
Do you consider coming up with solutions an easy task for you? You can leave your comment below.
Kevin Williams says
Great post Adam! I especially like # 3. It’s actually impossible to lead from an authentic place without applying hour “solutions” to yourself first.
asmithblog says
Absolutely, Kevin! Thank you.
Kevin Williams says
Great post Adam! I especially like # 3. It’s actually impossible to lead from an authentic place without applying hour “solutions” to yourself first.
asmithblog says
Absolutely, Kevin! Thank you.