Research is necessary to become the person you want to be. When I was trying to figure out the schedule that would work for me, it took a lot of time and effort on my part to find it. After much trial and error, I reached out to fifty other entrepreneurs through email to see what worked for them. I found that where my schedule was out of whack, these individuals seemed to have it all figured out. I actually contribute much of my productivity levels to this process of research, and you can experience the same benefits in your area of research.
Are you having trouble in the area of relationships? Find someone who does relationships really well and start asking questions. Do you have more leadership questions than you have answers? Find someone who you would consider to be a great leader and begin asking them questions. Do you need to become a better communicator? Find a great communicator and begin asking questions. Do you need to become more focused? Find someone who gets more done in their day than most do in a week and start asking questions. Do you need more creativity in your life? Find someone who oozes creativity and begin asking them questions.
Whatever area you need help in, there are people who want to help you become better. There are people who are available and willing to listen. It amazes me how easy of a concept this is, and yet people miss out on it time and time again. These are the same people asking themselves, “Why am I not a good leader?”, when there are tons of resources available to help them become better. These are also the same people who say that they don’t have enough time, yet they spend three hours on social media every day. It’s all about priorities, my friend.
Maybe this message seems too tough, but I only want the very best for you. Make time for conducting research, because it is the beginning of something great. When you know what other successful people do, you can emulate their actions in your own life and reap the benefits for yourself. This allows you to skip over unnecessary trial and error, and gives you more time to live a better life.
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