Creative Commons Photo Credit by vsolanoy
Everyone is starting a blog. Probably because it’s the cool thing to do, but there has to be more to it than that. If you are a writer, you need an outlet. An outlet that is consistent. A blog gives you that weekly place to go and write more often. Since writing more makes you a better writer, this is the perfect place to start. And that’s what I believe is the start of it.
Here are a few more reasons to look into blogging if you aren’t already…
Everyone has a story. Whether your blog is totally about your story or not, at some point you will have to get personal with your readers. That’s the natural flow of things. Others need to hear your story because everyone’s story is different. We can all learn and grow from others.
You need a platform. If you are online, why not have a platform? I think that is the best question to ask yourself. If you would have asked me 10 years ago if having a platform was important, I would have probably said, “No.” But, people want to know more about you that a tweet or a status update. And a blog with your ongoing online presence helps others know where you have been, where you are and where you are going.
It keeps a record. If you don’t keep a journal, blogging is a great online record of what you were writing about in each season of life. It’s fun to go back and read what I was writing about two years ago. If you don’t write it down, the details of life can be forgotten. If these are the times that have made you who you are today, then they need to be remembered. This produces teachable moments for now and well into the future.
So, do you have a blog? If so, why did you start blogging? You can leave a comment below.
Dan Black says
I started my leadership blog to help others become better leaders and people. I also wanted to be able to write down my thoughts on the topic of leadership, so they become even more clearer for me.
Dan Black says
I started my leadership blog to help others become better leaders and people. I also wanted to be able to write down my thoughts on the topic of leadership, so they become even more clearer for me.
Scott Couey says
I started my blog June of last year when I lost my job. It was just a great way to help me process things.
Scott Couey says
I started my blog June of last year when I lost my job. It was just a great way to help me process things.
ThatGuyKC says
I do have a blog, <a herf=""< and I started because I wanted to encourage dads like myself to be great at home, work and play. Plus, I really like to write and enjoy the blogging community.
KC Procter says
I do have a blog, <a herf=""< and I started because I wanted to encourage dads like myself to be great at home, work and play. Plus, I really like to write and enjoy the blogging community.
Adam says
I have a blog that I started a little over three years ago. I started it as a way to explore ideas and just to write.
Adam says
I have a blog that I started a little over three years ago. I started it as a way to explore ideas and just to write.