Words matter. Whoever said, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” is out of their mind. I can think of a few hurtful things that have been said to me and some hurtful words that I’ve said. Even if we don’t mean to, we have all said hurtful things that leave marks on people. Then we hold grudges, some of which we don’t even realize until bad feelings come out of nowhere. I think a lot of hurt wouldn’t happen if we just thought for a second before we said those things we feel we need to say. It doesn’t take much time to think before you act. Try it. Now, instead of asking you what hurtful things you’ve said, I will ask you to focus on the other side of this.
What are some ways that you lift others up?
Kyle Reed says
Its very easy for me to tear people down with my words, almost like I see all the negative things in people instead of the good things.
But I am working on becoming a champion of peoples dreams. The way I do this is find out what they are doing and passionate about. I try and encourage others inside of what they are passionate about.
And I try to remember these things so that I can come back and continue to encourage them.
ineffablegod says
Just by being a good listener. Words can definitely be hurtful, especially when it goes from mere talking to gossip.
I just read this today in Ephesians 4:29:
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
JuliaKate says
by listening. by giving my time. by being present. this seems to really assure them that i value them and being valued usually feels pretty darn good;)
jackalopekid says
me too
kimmlee says
Besides listening, I try to make people laugh/smile. I think I'm getting pretty good at it. 😉
scottfinn says
I don't have one example, but this is my approach: I try to be very specific when I offer a compliment or praise. "Good job" is fine, but "I really like the way that you did __________…" shows that you were really paying attention.
You are right. Words are powerful.
jackalopekid says
good stuff. i need to work on the really being there thing
Shellie (baylormum) says
By just being the real, ugly me. No pretenses. No ego. Just be there by being selfless.
jackalopekid says
wow. a good reminder man
jackalopekid says
thats a good way to come to the table
jackalopekid says
yes u are!
jackalopekid says
good stuff man