[box] This article on Tips to Build Effective Communication Skills was contributed by Celia Wang at Dale Carnegie Training, a company founded on the principles of the famous speaker and author of “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Today, the company offers leadership training to help businesses and individuals achieve their goals.[/box]
We have long heard that communication is key, but many people don’t realize how true that statement really is. From the workplace to the dating scene, communication plays an integral role in creating relationships and being successful.
Without communication skills, individuals are unable to effectively get their point across which makes it impossible to influence others, resolve conflicts or gain loyal partnerships. In conclusion, communication skills will always be extremely important. Below are a few questions and tips to help you develop better communication skills. Do you give people your full attention during a conversation?
Sincerity can easily be felt during a conversation. If you are not truly engaging with the other person you are conversing with, it will be extremely apparent. If you expect respect, you must give it. Giving people your full attention during a conversation will let them know you are genuinely interested in what they are saying, and they will return the favor. Do people constantly ask you to clarify what you are trying to say?
Different people understand messages in different ways. It is important that you are always clear about the purpose of your message. Explain concepts in different ways. Do you regularly ask questions during conversations?
“Asking questions not only makes an order more palatable; it often stimulates the creativity of the persons whom you ask. People are more likely to accept an order if they have had a part in the decision that caused the order to be issued,” said Dale Carnegie, the author of “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”
The ability to influence others is critical in business. However, if you don’t allow people to feel like they play a role in the decision-making process, they will be less likely to accept the point you are trying to convey. Create an engaging environment by ensuring the conversation is a 2-way street. Ask questions and listen. Do you sometimes get frustrated during conversations?
Carnegie once said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” Conversations can sometimes get heated, but once you have honed in on your communications skills, you will be able to realize that disagreements happen. It’s important that you allow others to voice their opinions, even if they differ from your own. Allowing people to openly voice their opinion lets you see things from another point of view. You can learn a lot from listening to other people. Do you pay attention to non-verbal cues?
Body language and tone are also a big part of communication. Non-verbal communication alone accounts for 93 percent of all communication. Together they can have a huge impact on how your words are interpreted. Pay close attention to how you use tone and body language.
Use the following body language and tone tips to build effective communication skills:
Speak up
Keep your back straight
Use positive gestures such as nodding and open movements
Maintain eye contact
Communication is made up of multiple parts that all must work together in order to have effective communication. Great leaders recognize how important communication is. You communicate every day, all day with people. Make it count by learning how to grow from these tips to build effective communication skills.
Great post, Celia. Loved the book and the principles that are taught through it.
Many people speak about the importance of collaboration. The key to collaboration is great communication, and your tips are great. I tell people that communication is a function of information, relationships, and feedback.