Even if you aren’t seeing success, you have a tremendous amount of potential. Even if you don’t know what you need to know, you can learn. Even if everything seems to be going wrong, it only takes one different action for good change to take place. You have something to offer, but having more confidence in yourself can only take place when you see just how much you have to offer.
So, if you are having trouble believing in yourself, then I have four ways for you to increase belief, starting today:
First, stop comparing yourself to everyone else, but the very best you.
Social media has made it easier than ever to know every detail about the lives of others, so you can compare yourself to others, but don’t fall for the lies. I would say that 90-95% of pictures online are staged to make it look like people are happier than they really are. I would also say that somewhere between 70-75% of online articles are falsified or dramatized. So, take your pick as to who you can trust on the internets, and please know that comparing yourself to someone’s wonderful life or perfect business is a waste of time. Be the best you, because that is enough.
Second, soak up as much information as you can.
Most insecurities come from not knowing what one needs to know to find success. This means that you should consume some sort of useful information every day. Whether this information comes in the form of blogs, books, podcasts, or youtube videos, know that consuming valuable content is a confidence boost in itself.
Third, know the why behind what you do.
When you know the reason behind the action, your obstacles look smaller, and your reason for succeeding looks bigger. When you can see the faces of the people you are impacting, and you know the long-term impact that you will have on the world, believing in yourself becomes easier. Not only that, but your reason to persevere becomes real and the hard work that you’re putting in becomes worth your time and effort. When you have a big enough reason, continuing on and believing in yourself becomes your best option.
And fourth, surround yourself with people who believe in you.
Once you do the first three things, it’s now time to find other people who do believe in you. This is because the words that other people speak into your life have a huge impact on the amount of belief you have in yourself. Of course, negative words increase negativity and positive words increase positivity. Author, Catherine Pulsifer said, “Don’t feed your mind with negative thoughts. If you do, you will come to believe them.” Believe in yourself, surround yourself with people who believe in you, and do more.
Believe in yourself, surround yourself with people who believe in you, and do more. Share on XHowever, waiting for other people to believe in you before you can believe in yourself is a waste of time. Why? Because you don’t determine if other people believe in you. So, what do you determine then? You determine the belief you have in yourself.
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