Maybe you’ve noticed that some people like to talk negatively. That’s just a sign that they think negatively, too.
Not only do people like to think negatively, but they tend to stay there.
That’s just annoying to be around.
When people think positively, they change the atmosphere around them. Ever noticed why you like to be around people who think positively?
Here’s why I think that positive thinkers have an advantage:
- Positive thinkers help those around them to see that they can accomplish whatever they can dream up.
- People who think negatively don’t try things because they have already canceled themselves out of even accomplishing goals.
- Positive thinking is just better and it’s contagious.
Help me finish this list…
What else can positive thinking do for people?
Thanh Thu1ee7y ( u6e05u6c34 ) says
They help themselves, they make their own lives less miserable
Thanh Thủy ( 清水 ) says
They help themselves, they make their own lives less miserable
amy swoope says
I was once filled with negativity…and am now on a mission to teach people a better way to live.Positively. No one wants to hang around a negative person & honestly looking back-I dont know how I existed that way?!If we have a choice–why would you choose negativity?Truth is: most are brought up in that enviroment..with the “whoa is me” mentality..thus only attracting more negativity into their lives..getting MORE of what they dont want. There is freedom.There is a choice.You have a way positive thought at a time.
amy swoope says
I was once filled with negativity…and am now on a mission to teach people a better way to live.Positively. No one wants to hang around a negative person & honestly looking back-I dont know how I existed that way?!If we have a choice–why would you choose negativity?Truth is: most are brought up in that enviroment..with the “whoa is me” mentality..thus only attracting more negativity into their lives..getting MORE of what they dont want. There is freedom.There is a choice.You have a way positive thought at a time.