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Hello, family.
I wanted to give you a chance to share your favorite things to other readers here at (re)made. Whether the posts are your own or someone else’s, if you think it will be helpful in some way or another, please let us know about it. I think we can all benefit from your blog posts or whatever that insightful piece of information that you’ve run across lately. I’m looking forward to seeing what you look at during the week and hopefully finding out about new sources of information.
So, what is that best thing that you’ve seen on the internets lately?
Please leave a link in the comment section below, so we can all enjoy.
Anonymous says
Well, this is my readers pick:
But this one is mine…for personal reasons:
jackalopekid says
Loved both posts! And congrats on almost 20 years of marriage! Love it!
ElizaHuie says
Well, this is my readers pick:
But this one is mine…for personal reasons:
asmithblog says
Loved both posts! And congrats on almost 20 years of marriage! Love it!
Jason Vana says
There are two posts I read lately that have blown me away:
Administration as Art, by Gary Mo
Creative Block: Time For a New Metaphor (part 5) by Keith Jennings
I absolutely love both of these blogs. These guys challenge me to think differently and inspire me to do my best work in everything I do. Definitely worth checking them out.
jackalopekid says
those are both really good man. thanks for introducing me to both of those guys
Jason Vana says
You’re welcome man. I love reading their posts.
Keith Jennings says
I really appreciate you, Jason. Thank you!
Jason Vana says
You’re welcome, Keith! I am encouraged and challenged by each of your posts, and appreciate you taking the time to write them!
Jason Vana says
There are two posts I read lately that have blown me away:
Administration as Art, by Gary Mo
Creative Block: Time For a New Metaphor (part 5) by Keith Jennings
I absolutely love both of these blogs. These guys challenge me to think differently and inspire me to do my best work in everything I do. Definitely worth checking them out.
asmithblog says
those are both really good man. thanks for introducing me to both of those guys
Jason Vana says
You’re welcome man. I love reading their posts.
Keith Jennings says
I really appreciate you, Jason. Thank you!
Jason Vana says
You’re welcome, Keith! I am encouraged and challenged by each of your posts, and appreciate you taking the time to write them!
Barry Hill says
I’ll post one that is mine and one from another source!
jackalopekid says
Both are great posts! I hadn’t heard anyone say that about Tebow and Jesus, but I figured… 🙂
Barry Hill says
I’ll post one that is mine and one from another source!
asmithblog says
Both are great posts! I hadn’t heard anyone say that about Tebow and Jesus, but I figured… 🙂
Scott Couey says
I wrote this post about one of my former church youth leaders that recently passed away:
jackalopekid says
So sad and beautiful all at the same time. I bet he’s having a good time. 🙂
Scott Couey says
I wrote this post about one of my former church youth leaders that recently passed away:
asmithblog says
So sad and beautiful all at the same time. I bet he’s having a good time. 🙂
Ethan says
These three really hit home recently: (A TED talk)
jackalopekid says
those are really good
Ethan says
These three really hit home recently: (A TED talk)
asmithblog says
those are really good