As I’ve been reading others’ blogs, I’ve noticed something lately about “Christian” bloggers, including myself. We rarely use Scripture in our posts. Maybe it’s becoming “uncool”… NO.WAY.
I know my reason. It’s because I know someone is reading my posts and knows a lot more about the Bible than I do. Then when I use that Scripture that I think is perfect, someone who knows Hebrew and Latin and actually wrote part of the Bible, points out that it’s not being used in the right context. Yep. That happens quite a bit.
I do learn something from those folks, though.
I’ve been thinking about all of this lately. This shouldn’t keep me from using Scripture. I should share it every chance I get.
I should actually use a verse in every post even if it doesn’t go, just to mess with all of your minds.
Maybe I’ll start with something easy, but profound. Something like John 3:16.
That verse always goes.
So, what’s your favorite scripture and why?
Psalm 19:14 – This is my prayer for my life. That everything about me would glorify and please God.
As the Bible is the living breathing word of God, I think different verses have different meanings/applications to our lives depending on the season that we are in. Yes, it’s good to understand the deeper Hebrew/Greek/Latin meanings and context of scripture, but it’s also up to the HOLY SPIRIT to be the true source of our enlightenment of scripture. I think that there are a lot of good teachers out there, but they should also spend more time applying the word to their own lives instead of trying to correct others when it comes to our application of the Scripture in our lives. Just my 2 cents…..
Out of so many favorite verses, this one always comes to mind.
Luke 1:45 – And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.
My favorite scripture is Psalm 139.
After a really, really tough time including battling depression I was shown this passage. I’ve kept it close to my heart since.
I like Lamentations 3:22 which reminds us that no matter how bad things are God’s blessings are new every morning
John 3:18 always gets ignored.
But I really like Romans 8:31-39.
And Psalm 40.
Job 3:2. Gets to the point real quick.
Also like Acts 24:7, specifically in the NIV.
Deuteronomy 10:17 is my favorite! 🙂
And it’s really, really hard to spell…I use scripture whenever I feel like it.
You should do the same! Who cares what people think?
What makes you think that someone who has studied theology has a better handle on scripture than you do? Last I read, Jesus says come as a little kid not a multi-lingual scholar…
I try to use as much Scripture as possible on my blog. That way when the heresy hunters say, “Where does it say that?” I can point and say, “Right there!”
By the way, one of my favorite verses is Isaiah 2:3-5
This is a seemingly little post. Just a small, rambling thought that goes through your mind from time to time. Wrong.
These few paragraphs are very hard-hitting. And very convicting. At least, I think so.
Thank you for reminding us to share His Word, like He commanded us to do.
Psalm 118:13-14
And J. Holton? Acts 24:7 in the older versions of NIV isn’t there.
Dude, this is a baller post. Amen to this! I feel the same way a lot of the times. Sometimes you just have to whip out the Strong’s and get at it.
Favorite Verse: Mark 16:15-18 because it shows the power that is given us by the Holy Spirit and the assurance that comes with knowing Christ as Savior, knowing that He will always be with us.
Don’t be afraid to mess up, just be sincere and humble before the Lord, and you will learn a great deal like you said.
1 Corinthians 10:31
My favorite is Gal 6:9 – That verse helps anytime I am trying to do something good and things just don’t seem to work. I know in God’s timing things will work out.