This summer, I haven’t been doing as much writing on here as I usually do. That’s because I’ve been making room for more family time and reading time. If you are a writer, my two best pieces of advice to you are to make yourself available to do the work and to read as many books as you possibly can. That may seem counterintuitive–to write, you must read–but it is in the activity of reading where new ideas can begin to be pieced together and your writing style can evolve. I am also a big believer that once you are empty, you must fill yourself again, in order to then give your new findings and perspective away to others. This makes the idea process important, not only for you, but for other people as well.
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The One Area in Your Relationships You Must Address in the New Year
As I was brainstorming ideas for this post, my last of the year on this site, I was having a hard time. I wanted to write something that would end the year with a bang. Something that would provide a lot of value, just like every other post from the great team of writers on the site. But I got nothing.
I thought of some other posts I’ve written and read, but still nothing. I noticed the common posts covering New Year’s resolutions, goals for the upcoming year, and top 10 lists of 2013. But nothing inspired me enough to create my own resolution post, or a top goals for the new year post, or anything related to those. I couldn’t figure out what it was that had me coming up blank.
What would you like to read?
Then I realized I’ve been contributing posts about relationships on for over four months, but I have yet to find out what you want to read from me. I have been writing based on the challenges I face, and the lessons I am learning, assuming you are experiencing similar challenges and learning similar lessons. This might be true, or I could be completely off-base.
One thing I have learned from 12 years of marriage and being a father of three is don’t assume anything! If you want to know what somebody is thinking about, what they are dealing with, or how they feel, then the best way to find out is to ask them. In 2014, I want my posts to be more relevant to your relationship needs, more relevant to the relationship problems you are trying to solve, and overall more interesting and valuable to you. So I am asking…
What relationship topics would you like to see more of on in the new year?
I want to know what your biggest challenges are in your relationships. I want to hear from you about the different types of relationships you have, not just with your spouse or significant other, but your children and your professional relationships as well. I am certain some of the things you are experiencing I have experienced, am experiencing now, or will soon experience. As we share our challenges and we interact through posts and comments I anticipate we will grow together. We will also provide immense value to each other.
I’ll start…
To get the proverbial ball (comments) rolling I’ll start. The one area in my relationship that must be addressed in the New Year is being fully present with whomever I am with at the time. As I look at the flow of my relationships this past year, I noticed that I have been partially present. For example when my wife is wanting my attention, I am there, but not fully present. When my kids are needing daddy, I am physically there, but not fully present.
Sometimes when I am writing a blog post, you, the readers, and this keyboard need my attention, but I am not always fully present. Football had part of my attention tonight, which could explain why I was coming up blank! So, that is what I plan to address and do better at in the new year.
Now it is your turn…
What relationship topics would you like to read more about in the new year?
It may help to put some more urgency on it like I did…
What one area in your relationships must be addressed in the new year?
Please share in the comment section below, and let’s grow together in 2014!
photo credit: wakingphotolife: via photopin cc
Your Post Title Matters More Than You Think
Photo Credit: ?olo via Compfight cc
Have you ever wondered why you will post a link to your latest, greatest blog post on twitter, facebook or google + and you just aren’t getting the reaction that you expected? It is that post that you spent hours on, just to see that it ends up being a flop. Well, there is one reason that it probably didn’t meet your expectations and here it is…
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