Okay, so I have never regifted something, but I have definitely thought about giving this certain
picture frame away that I got a couple of years ago. Yes, we still have it and I cringe every time I see it in the back of the closet. It was a Christmas gift from a friend. I’ll call the gift giver “Susie”. Well, Susie handed us the gift and when we opened it, we gave that blank stare look. It’s the one where you don’t know what to say because you don’t want to hurt a person’s feelings.
Is there a gift you have been given and wanted to immediately throw it at them? Or, have you thought about regifting something, but haven’t had the guts to go through with it? What was it?
You should ship it to Georgia…reminds me of Mom!! =D
haha. yes it does
At the moment I never thought about regifting any gifts, I just thought about never wearing/using the gift. Looking back I probably would have regifted it. Sweaters, pants, shoes, you name it.
yeah i have some ugly sweaters too…
Thank you, Sarah…..Adam and Jazzi, I'd be happy to be the proud recipient of this
re-gift…say on my birthday or Mother's Day…Yep, I just love a good fruit motif to blend with the whole fruit theme…(maybe I could get Kip to paint a fruit mural on the wall…;0)
haha. nice mom
Not necessarily regift but take to the thrift store. Happened last night from my ummmm inlaws. We got a regift for our wedding. There was still a piece of Christmas wrapping paper on it.
nice. hahaha