The one thing that I rate blog posts on is how many comments they have. If they don’t have many comments, then I will skip right over the post. If the post has a lot of comments, then I will dive right in. Maybe you rate blog posts by looking at comments, or maybe you read each one. If there is another way you rate posts besides how many comments they have, please let me know.
patricia says
the more comments the blog post has…the more i try to stay away from it… i usually read the ones that don't have a lot of comments…since i find that most of the "not-too-commented" ones are the posts written from people's hearts.
a lot of comments usually mean that most of the time….there was something "controversial" written… and people will be quick to act out of emotion and write their thoughts instead of posting biblical truths.
My recent post 6.5.10 – friday night.
jackalopekid says
great to hear a different perspective
JuliaKate says
my highest rated post is the "why i don't follow @RickWarren" post. it is also the most commented on.. i think. i totally agree that the provocative title and the current subject matter (twitter/social media) drew in the views, replies, retweets, etc. i don't rate my blogs or any other people's blogs on the amount of comments. in fact, i feel lost in them and commenting is not only supportive or critical, it gives you a voice.
personally, i run into people at different church gatherings (since i am church hunting) and they tell me that they read my blog. they've never commented! one lady even said she prints out my posts and shares it at the ministry staff meetings. i was in shock.
a successful blog does have readers, but it should have quality content, a decent flow in the writing style, and an openness to allowing for other voices. that's what i deem successful;)
My recent post interview with a covert conspirator…
jackalopekid says
and that is one I definitely read. loved it.
JuliaKate says
thanks:) lately it's been provoking some constructive conversation on McManus' Origins Project forum. strange thing this blogosphere!
My recent post interview with a covert conspirator…
tristanbrenske says
i tend to skim a few posts and see if the blog is worth my time on the regular. i don't like going by commenting because, for me, i tend to get the most out of blog posts when i've dedicated time to "knowing" the person. i try to keep by blog following fairly meaningful.
My recent post robot love
jackalopekid says
@hipcatmattio says
I'm more relational with the blogs I choose to read. If I know the person or if a good friend who's judgement I trust recommends one, or someone I know from some social networking site.I'm more relational with the blogs I choose to read. If I know the person or if a good friend who's judgement I trust recommends one, or someone I know from some social networking site.
And with comments I usually don't have the time to dedicate to skimming through them but I am curious as to what everybody is talking about. Yeah… I follow the crowd.
jackalopekid says
me too:)
jack schull says
Not to sound copy cat – but I agree w/ posted comments above. # of comments doesn’t matter to me. (As a blogger, I like ppl commenting, but truthfully, that maybe more for my sense of accomplisment) blogs are relational – whether via personal knowledge or interest level due to career/topic connection for that person and my needs/desires to grow or learn. Relational trumps most decisions these days.
jackalopekid says
good stuff
jackalopekid says
I read my friends blogs, so theres that relationship there. But, off their site, I read the most popular. Good stuff folks.
Bob Chapman says
And what if you run across a new blog post that hasn't had a chance to be commented upon?
What if the author does not right a post that calls for a response or opinion?
If you think quality is depended upon numbers, then consider what gets the largest number of flies buzzing around it.
My recent post The Three in One and One in Three
jackalopekid says
If it's not a popular blog, then it has to be a friend's blog for me to check it out. I usually dont skim the internet although I wish I had time for that. If its a friends blog, I'll check it out whether commented on or not. The most commented on or most "popular posts" seem to be the most controversial posts. They usually get me thinking.