As I was brainstorming ideas for this post, my last of the year on this site, I was having a hard time. I wanted to write something that would end the year with a bang. Something that would provide a lot of value, just like every other post from the great team of writers on the site. But I got nothing.
I thought of some other posts I’ve written and read, but still nothing. I noticed the common posts covering New Year’s resolutions, goals for the upcoming year, and top 10 lists of 2013. But nothing inspired me enough to create my own resolution post, or a top goals for the new year post, or anything related to those. I couldn’t figure out what it was that had me coming up blank.
What would you like to read?
Then I realized I’ve been contributing posts about relationships on for over four months, but I have yet to find out what you want to read from me. I have been writing based on the challenges I face, and the lessons I am learning, assuming you are experiencing similar challenges and learning similar lessons. This might be true, or I could be completely off-base.
One thing I have learned from 12 years of marriage and being a father of three is don’t assume anything! If you want to know what somebody is thinking about, what they are dealing with, or how they feel, then the best way to find out is to ask them. In 2014, I want my posts to be more relevant to your relationship needs, more relevant to the relationship problems you are trying to solve, and overall more interesting and valuable to you. So I am asking…
What relationship topics would you like to see more of on in the new year?
I want to know what your biggest challenges are in your relationships. I want to hear from you about the different types of relationships you have, not just with your spouse or significant other, but your children and your professional relationships as well. I am certain some of the things you are experiencing I have experienced, am experiencing now, or will soon experience. As we share our challenges and we interact through posts and comments I anticipate we will grow together. We will also provide immense value to each other.
I’ll start…
To get the proverbial ball (comments) rolling I’ll start. The one area in my relationship that must be addressed in the New Year is being fully present with whomever I am with at the time. As I look at the flow of my relationships this past year, I noticed that I have been partially present. For example when my wife is wanting my attention, I am there, but not fully present. When my kids are needing daddy, I am physically there, but not fully present.
Sometimes when I am writing a blog post, you, the readers, and this keyboard need my attention, but I am not always fully present. Football had part of my attention tonight, which could explain why I was coming up blank! So, that is what I plan to address and do better at in the new year.
Now it is your turn…
What relationship topics would you like to read more about in the new year?
It may help to put some more urgency on it like I did…
What one area in your relationships must be addressed in the new year?
Please share in the comment section below, and let’s grow together in 2014!
While the relationship between you and your spouse and children is a prime area of concern and I always enjoy such posts, I think I’d like to see more on developing stronger relationships with friends. I am fortunate enough to have several friends with whom I can honestly say we share a love for each other. Our relationships have become emotionally tied. I would like to strengthen those ties even more in 2014. Beyond my wife (we have no children), those are the most important relationships in my life.
Hal, thanks for sharing. You are blessed to have great friends like that. We have been considering moving to another state, and one of the conversations my wife and I have had is about some of the friendships we’ve grown, how we’d miss them if we moved, and how we would build similar strong relationships where we move. I look forward to discussing the topic this coming year.
Well, if you ever moved to Southern Connecticut I would consider it an honor to be your friend.
Thanks, Hal! Our plans are to move to a warmer state. 🙂 Florida, Georgia, or Texas are the front runners.
Hi, Jackie. I love your idea with this. I need more posts on raising children, because Colbie is our first and I would just like to see some informative posts, life lesson and just knowing others have been there with a two year old. She will be 3 in April! I just want to be the best I can be at parenting. I am with you as far as who I need to be in the new year- being present has to be a top priority for me and my family this year, no matter how much is going on. Thanks for getting us thinking on this one buddy. Happy New Year to you!
Thanks, Adam! I’m glad to start the conversation. I hope to create an ongoing dialogue, which helps us all grow in our relationships!
Our youngest recently turned 4, so I know exactly where you are! I’m looking forward to sharing and discussing more in 2014.
We have heard for years the advantage of multitasking. I am a very busy person with lots going on and I am thinking that the idea for multitasking is just not working. So how do we go from multitasking to doing multiple tasks with focus?
I agree multitasking does not work. That is a great topic of discussion for 2014. I bet Daniel Kosmala would be a great person to kick off that conversation.
I would like topics about how to better not so good relationships; like in the workplace
Good one, I like it! I’m putting it on the list to study and discuss. Thanks for sharing, Lucy!
Great post and while we may be already in the year 2014 perhaps you can write something about…How does one deal with being lonely while married? Husband not interested in date nights or any of your interests when you know all of theirs? Suggestions turning to arguments etc
Hi, Nox! Thanks for commenting. Even though it is already 2014, it is never too late for topics of discussion. This is a good one here. I’d love to open discussion about it. Please be on the look out for a post about it in the future.