I can’t find who originally said, “It’s OK not to be OK”, but it is a very powerful statement. When someone comes to terms with where they are in life, and admits that they aren’t OK, it is then and only then that they can begin moving forward.
Are you going through something and feel that you should be further along than you are? You’re right where you should be and can begin moving forward right now. Your past is there to learn from, not to beat yourself up about.
Are you stuck and don’t know what to do next, in life or in business? Admit that you’re stuck and ask for help.
Did you have every intention of doing a better job with your New Year’s Resolutions and you’ve already given up two weeks into January? Define better goals, make better habits, and live a better life. You can make that choice no matter what your past looks like.
True story: you’re human. It’s time to admit that and move on.
You must first admit that things aren't OK in order to become a better version of yourself. Share on X
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