Goals. Resolutions. Whatever you want to call them.
For 2010, I had ten goals, but two main goals.
1) Start working out everyday. — For the most part, I make this happen.
2)Change my life for the better. — I guess this could’ve meant a few things. For me, it meant move to Colorado and make a baby.
Looking back on 2010, it was an awesome year. I hope it was for you, too.
2011 will be here before you know it. I’m gonna lose 15 pounds, get the book published, work on blog content and hit 20 highpoints in 2011. Yep, it’s gonna happen.
What did you accomplish in 2010 and what are your goals for 2011?
To eat less chicken. If I do this, the weight thing will take care of itself. Probably.
haha. probably
I have a couple:
Read a book a week
Go on a tour with a band
nice man
In 2010, I needed to get my life together and set a path – I have a good income coming in as a freelancer, I design for another company on a consultant basis, met my husband to be, got two dogs, a cat, and 12 fish.
2010 had it’s ups and downs, but it was awesome.
2011? Gonna be more awesome.
Small goals: Work out 3 times a week, socialize more with real life people, get out of the house more.
Big goals: Move to the states, get married, expand business abroad.
Oh and as always: Lose weight. Ha.
beautiful stuff