Today, I was talking to my accountability partner and we came to the topic of exercise. I haven’t been doing well with exercise, so I tried to avoid the question. He asked me again what I enjoy to do for exercise, so I had to go a few years back. I finally remembered that I enjoy riding bikes. So, I thought to myself, “I am going to ride a bike. Count me in. Good as done.” Well, the next thing he said caught me off guard. He says, ” Yeah, I’m not too fond of riding a bike in the snow.” I had forgotten about that little piece of Colorado winter weather. I am still not used to this weather. Needless to say, I won’t be riding my bike in snow, but I do need to come up with some sort of indoor exercise for these winter months.
So, do you have any ideas for an indoor exercise activity that has worked for you? Winter will keep me indoors for a few months.
Indoor exercise? Tweeting. That's my sport of choice. Apart from that? What about joining a gym? That way you can do some cardio and weights too.
i just have a problem with self discipline. maybe a gym would work… maybe
I have become an exercise advocate of P90X…of course, I have taken a break these last 6 weeks (so thanks a pant load for bringing up exercise and accountability)…
i've heard that's so awesome
I bought a treadmill a few years back and that has been my life-saver in the winter when it is too cold or wet to do anything outside.
You could get one of those in-door bikes that take you no where :p
Masaki_1111 from Twitter
I hate this post because it reminds how much I've been slacking lol. I agree w/Rand…finding a gym always works. I think what really helps, is finding a workout def. makes things a lot easier, and you keep each other motivated and accountable.
i like it
really? i actually never use a treadmill
Depending on your weight issues, freezing your butt off might not be such a bad thing. A health club would be a good way to go, but only if you have a workout partner that will help keep you motivated and accountable. Best yet is if there's an indoor sport like basketball that you like. Nothing motivates me to work out like hoops! Good luck!
Wii tennis?
Does that count?
sure. i need a Wii then
thanks. i dont think im too fat…:)