I sometimes try to impress people I don’t even like with things I think they would like me for having, that I can’t even afford. These TVs and computers will end up being obsolete tomorrow, sitting on a back shelf collecting dust next month.
What do you try to impress people with?
Coenraad says
I can only say Amen to this Adam
How often do we chase the nice things in life, and in the end they just lie around gathering dust?
Even though there is no problems with having nice things, if you can afford it, we should always focus on Him and probably ask Him if we should buy the luxuries involved, especially if it might have an impact on your finances, as we are called to work responsibly with the money God gives us.
dwfaust says
I would say "Amen!" as well.
I struggle with wanting, and at times, coveting new "stuff" because it's cool. But as you say. it soon gathers dust on the shelf. I am working hard to overcome lusting after the newest tech gadget. I am starting to realize that the thousands of dollars that I have wasted on "stuff I don't need, bought to impress people that I don't like with money that I don't have (credit cards!?)" would be much better spent in the hands of any of a number of qualified, dedicated missionaries around the globe.
Think about how much they could have done with several thousand dollars – and what kind of eternal impact it could have made.
Christian Haiku says
Madame Blueberry
Had to find out the hard way
About too much stuff
Jimmy White says
Heard this statement this weekend, it has made me re-think every purchase…
Debt is Bad
Saving is Good
Giving is Fun
Stuff is Meaningless
jackalopekid says
love it man
Prudence says
Wow! Deep. My husband and I have been trying to move to more simpler lifestyles. Can I just say living in American that is really, really hard.
I agree with Jimmy stuff is meaningless. Solomon wrote a whole book on it and we still miss it.