Your happiness matters! In fact, it’s so important that elevating your own mood may be one of the most significant things you do today. But, just in case you’re not convinced—or are under the mistaken impression that being happy is selfish—here are three reasons your happiness matters.
1. You matter!
You are wonderfully made and there is no one else quite like you. The average human body is formed from approximately 60 chemical elements and 100 trillion cells. Like snowflakes, no two human-beings are exactly alike. This means that nobody else can do precisely what you do. You are one-of-a-kind, and make an original contribution to our world. Your happiness matters because you matter!
2. Your happiness impacts others.
This week I heard a conference speaker say, “There are only two types of leaders, those who generate energy, and those who consume energy”. Leaders who generate energy lift their team to a higher level. They inspire their team to push past their self-imposed limits and accomplish more.
On the other hand, leaders who consume energy drag their team down. Their teams go into meetings feeling bad and leave feeling worse. Because the leader’s attitude matters, it’s imperative that you and I become the type of leader who exudes energy. Your mood doesn’t only impact you, it leaves a lasting impression on everyone you come in contact with.
We cannot impart to others that which we do not possess ourselves. And becoming a leader who generates energy begins with energizing ourselves. Happy leaders will have happy teams, and unhappy leaders will have unhappy teams. The leader’s mood is contagious. Lifting your own mood is not only beneficial for you, but it’s also one of the best things that you can do for your team!
3. Happiness makes you a better leader.
At this point, you may be thinking, “But Jed, I’m not a leader.”, yet I’m willing to bet that you are. Leadership is synonymous with influence. If you influence others in any way, shape, or form then, you are a leader. Your team may be small, but in some important way, you are leading. If you have,
• Family
• Coworkers
• Children
• Church groups, or
• Friends,
You have influence. Your attitude will rub off on those around you. Leaving others feeling energized and refreshed begins by first attending to your own happiness.
So, how do we become happier right now? It’s easy. But first, let me point out what this post does and does not promise. If you use the three tools, I can almost guarantee that you will be happier. While this post will not show you how to have a perfect life, instantaneously resolve all of your problems, or be completely worry-free, it will help you choose happiness more often.
Here are three simple strategies for becoming happier right now.
1. Practice gratefulness.
Happy people are grateful people. The more appreciative you are of the good things that are in your life—and absolutely everyone has some good things going for them—the happier you will be. I’d encourage you to try this out by listing five things you are thankful for right now. If you’re alone, speak what you’re grateful for out-loud. If there are other people around, share what you are grateful for with them. This simple act of being grateful makes us happier.
2. Smile.
We are biopsychosocial beings. This means that our physical bodies are tied to our emotions. The physical act of smiling—even when we don’t feel like it—directly impacts our mood. On days you’re feeling down, the simple act of smiling is a great way to begin pulling yourself out of a slump.
3. Give.
It’s nearly impossible to fill up others without being filled up ourselves. This is one of life’s paradoxes; we lift ourselves up by uplifting others. Writing an encouraging note, sending an encouraging e-mail, speaking a kind word, and cheering others on—these are all things that not only raise the mood of others, but fill us up as well.
There are only two types of leaders, those who impart energy to others, and those who drain energy. Be the type of leader who leaves others feeling enthusiastic and joyful. Happiness is contagious. Begin with yourself, and then pass on your positive mood to others. The great news is that you can do all of this right now. I would challenge you to take five minutes to do these three things:
1. List out at least five things that you’re grateful for (start small if you need to).
2. Smile (even if it feels forced at first).
3. Write a quick note expressing your appreciation for someone near and dear to you.
When you’re done with these three things, take a minute to take note of your mood. Chances are that you will find yourself happier than you were five minutes ago. By following these three simple strategies you and I can be happier—right now!
If you enjoyed this post, I’d invite you to continue the journey by discovering additional strategies for lifting your own mood and the mood of those around you, with my e-book,Coffee Shop Inspirations, Simple Strategies for Building Dynamic Leadership and Relationships. This 103 page guide will provide you with five practical tools from the Bible and psychology to help you become a better leader and friend. And the best part is that it’s free on Amazon for a limited time—so be sure to download your copy today.
Wishing you an incredible week as you lead and energize your teams!
Dude, such great stuff here. I think a lot of people get lost in the mundane and forget to have fun with life. I smiled as I read your post – it’s contagious. #2 – your happiness impacts others – that’s what it’s all about. Love it! I’m energized!
Thanks Adam, this was a fun post to write 🙂
Simple but I think the most effective strategy in life. Smile, be grateful and give. Smiling, gratefulness and giving are great mood boosters that are reciprocal.