a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
b : one in which confidence is placed
How many times have you heard, “God did it before and He can do it again”?
I know that I’ve heard it over and over and over again, but it took forever for it to click in my head. That is until I began to try and understand relationships more. It’s more than not being able to see or touch God in the physical sense, or see exactly what He’s up to or not being able to control Him no matter how hard I try.
You see, it all has to do with trust that creates a deeper relationship. All of that advice you’ve heard for relationships with friends still applies with God. With trust, you’re willing to give a little more of yourself over. And the deeper a relationship goes, the more that trust builds. It allows for vulnerability and honesty. You see, even if God knows everything, he still wants to talk to us about things that are going on. He wants our time. We need that time.
It actually seems that prayers end up more like reminders to God on what He’s already promised. And that’s ok. Because He wants a relationship even more than we can fathom.
So, what does all of that mean for us?
1. Give God the first.
It seems like time with God just works better in the morning. That way it’s never that we don’t have enough time for Him. It just means we won’t have time for those things we want to do later in the day, like watching tv and surfing the internet. In the grand scheme of things, that’s bot the most important thing, right?
2. We need to have relationships on earth that model our relationship with God.
If we aren’t open with our spouse or friends, then how can we expect for it to feel “right” when we talk to God? God wants to be our friend, not a stranger. Interaction with Him should just be easy, but too many times it can feel forced. Find what makes that time real. Time will make this comfortable.
3. Trust is earned and takes time.
It’s hard to trust somebody we don’t know. It takes time and experience with each other. If you don’t trust God for something, you may just need to remind yourself of a recent situation. Or count your blessings. Or just thank him for who he is. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of just how good God is.
Understanding these things are so important because they are just so true. Let that sink in. The same God that got you through that something two years ago can do something now. He won’t let you be alone in this situation. You can trust in that.
Is trust an easy thing for you to have or do you find it hard to have most times? You can leave a comment below.
I love point #3 – that it takes time to develop trust, even trust in Him. I struggled with that a lot when I first came to Christ, thinking that I had to instantly trust Him in everything, and for a while, I pretended like I did. But a relationship with Him is like a relationship with anyone else – you get closer over time (and effort).
most definitely
I love point #3 – that it takes time to develop trust, even trust in Him. I struggled with that a lot when I first came to Christ, thinking that I had to instantly trust Him in everything, and for a while, I pretended like I did. But a relationship with Him is like a relationship with anyone else – you get closer over time (and effort).
most definitely