Allowing mistakes and serving others will create a climate for change. Taking baby steps will encourage initial risk taking, and any sort of success will encourage risking more. It is allowing mistakes repeatedly that will finally get you to the best possible answer. It is in this process of making mistakes where learning takes place. But, to make the right mistakes, there must be risk involved. Allowing mistakes without taking risks will set you back. Allowing mistakes with risk will push you forward. Risk and error play a role in challenging the process, but know that there is a method to the madness. Being open to allowing mistakes is not the same as allowing yourself to commit them haphazardly.
The importance of learning from our mistakes is found in the fact that history always has a way of repeating itself. I can guarantee that someone will run into the same issue you are going through at some point later in life, and if they did not learn from previous mistakes, then they will repeat bad choices. This shows the power in being present each day, being aware of our surroundings, and being engaged with the people around us. Mistakes can teach us valuable lessons if we allow them to, but it is our responsibility to listen to what our lives are speaking to us.
I once learned from a mistake when I forgot to put a meeting in my calendar. It was an important meeting, and I let people down by not being there. I believe that the most important possession we all have is our time. It is a precious commodity, and I feel terrible when I waste the time of others by not showing up on time myself. The fix that I came up with for this embarrassing mistake is that I now put all new scheduled meetings in my calendar immediately. This saves me from having to later remember the time and date that I need to put in my calendar. If I had not made the mistake, I would not have been reminded about the importance of being responsible with my own time, and the time of others. As with many other tweaks I have made in my life, this is a simple fix that is easily repeated. The key that can sometimes be missing is allowing mistakes that can instill the discipline needed to execute the right habits daily.
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