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Live Life With Purpose Episode #046: Instead of Goal Setting, Focus On Changing Habits
Show Notes – Instead of Goal Setting, Focus On Changing Habits
Goals are important, but there is something more important than goals. Everybody wants to talk about goals, and nobody wants to talk about changing habits. Let me save you the time, and tell you that you need start focusing on what gets you the results you want, not the end point.
So, here are the four things you need to do to see better results in 2015:
1. Take a minute to write down who it is you really want to be.
Whoever it is that you want to become, can you realistically get there in 2015? If not, where can you get to a year from now? Do you have it? Great! Now, write down the monthly steps you need to accomplish to get there. Do you have your 12 steps you need to become that person? 12 steps. That’s it. If you take the time to actually do these things with your life, you will see great results. I can promise you that. When you break your year down, you can and will accomplish more. Sure, it will take hard work and dedication, but you know who you really want to become. My advice is simple here – go and be the person you truly want to be.
2. Focus on the journey.
You need to know what it is you need to do to bring about your desired outcome. You now have a better idea of who you want to be or maybe you know exactly who you want to be and who you are today, but you now need to know how to get there. It’s about each and every day that builds momentum. What are you doing today, tomorrow and next week to improve your current circumstances? It’s focusing on your journey that brings focus on your desired outcome. The journey is what is made up of your habits that will lead you to your result.
3. Rally people around what you are doing.
A huge part of learning how to be who I want to be is found in learning from the other people I consider to be successful. Those who you consider to be successful are not only the kind of people in your life you will want to learn from, but those are also the people who will want to help you achieve your dreams. Successful people go out of their way to help others, because they understand the power in helping others.
Trust me when I tell you that cannot do this alone. It is when you realize this and surround yourself with these successful people that you will become even more motivated. And the opposite of this stands true as well. You can rally around what others are doing and be inspired simultaneously. These relationships are contagious and will help you along your journey.
4. Review and celebrate the wins.
In a world full of people who always want more, the first response is usually to look ahead at what’s next. Very rarely do people actually take the time to look back, unless it is to focus on every negative detail of the past. You can change this process by focusing more on the positives, rather than the things that didn’t go so perfect. There are a lot of things you are already great at. Choose to focus on those.
It is still important to look at what went wrong, so you don’t repeat exactly what didn’t work so well before, but that isn’t the sole purpose of this practice. Looking back tells you if your plan needs a complete overhaul or just needs a slight reconfiguration.
Have you written down who it is that you really want to become? Are you focusing on your current journey? Do you have a support group around you that is helping you become a better you? Are you looking back to see what you have done well so far, so that you do even better with what you have in the future?
These are the questions you need to be asking yourself as we go into the new year. Why? I want this to be a great 2015 for you and I know you want it be, too. Once you have the answers to these four questions, you will be able to go and actually do something with these answers. It will take more than questions and answers, but that’s a terrific start. It will take some action on your part to change those nasty habits you want to get rid of, but I know you have it within you to make the change right now. Go and begin making 2015 a remarkable year, today.
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