In episode 6, we talked about the power of words and just how powerful they really are. You can either use your words to tear people down or you can use them to lift others up. I don’t know about you, but I choose lifting others up. It’s definitely more fun and your words might just be the thing that motivates the other person to see their strengths and go after their dreams.
Motivation lifts spirits, teaches you how to build others up, creates bonds, strengthens friendships, draws others to you and embodies positivity. Doesn’t that sound like something you want to do? Encouragement is the outward expression of love and positivity. Encouragement is lifting people up through words because you care.
Here are three ways to use encouragement in your everyday life and show people how much you really care:
1. When you don’t know what else to say, use encouragement.
I hear a lot of times that people just don’t know what to say in situations. If you encounter a situation like this, use encouragement to show people just how loved they are. See the best in people and show them, when they might not be able to see it all. Displaying what you notice for them to see will bring them into a better state of mind and help them see their positive traits in a better light.
2. When people are down, use encouragement.
What better way to lift people up than by lifting them up with your words? People have so many great qualities within them, and sometimes they might just need a friend to show them what they are. Encouragement lifts the spirits of others and helps them see the hundreds of good things going on around them and in their lives, instead of the one bad thing that they are focusing on.
3. When people are hesitant or unsure, use encouragement.
Again encouragement is that thing that gives courage when people are feeling unsure. Encouragement builds bridges to people’s fears. It helps them see that they can actually do it and encourages them to take the first step. Of course in encouragement, you aren’t telling lies or just telling them things to bring false hope, In encouragement, you are simply telling the person the best things you see in their life and presenting the positive traits they obtain. When people are in bad situations, they can sometimes only see the negativity going on in their lives, and you can be there to help them begin seeing the positivity all around them.
Of course we will use positivity over negativity any day of the week, so always use encouragement. The opposite of encouragement, which is discouragement, tears people down and fails people when they need a friend. Of course there are times we may disagree with what people are doing, but discouragement isn’t the answer. In times like these, options are the answer. If you oppose something, you should always bring what you see as a better option to the table. Without options, your words are just negativity. Be a friend and be a light with the life you live out. Always bring positivity and encourage others every step of the way.
Go and encourage, today.
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