My most popular blog post ever on my website is “You Need to Make More Mistakes” and it probably will be for a long time. I see that people are looking for more than a reason and an excuse to make mistakes, they want to take things in their own hands and try to save themselves. People want to take their own weaknesses and make themselves strong, when their passions and desires came from God in the first place. People want to self-help themselves to redemption. What people haven’t been able to look past is the idea that self-help is a way to help themselves. They never look further than this and see the true purpose for help. The only reason to seek help is to pour into yourself and then pour into others. We are all vessels that are intended to pour out into the lives of others. It never stops.
The point to realize here is that no matter what we do in our own power, it will never be good enough to save ourselves. None of us are good enough to do that. Now, that doesn’t mean to neglect living a great life, because we are to always be a blessing in the lives of others through what we say and what we do, but the only thing that can save us is Jesus, not our works. Every time we try to take life into our own hands, we will fail. God is the source that gives power, energy and strength to carry out a great life. Again, we were created to rely on Him. Every time we try to earn approval through works, it negates what the cross has already done. God doesn’t require you to do something to get something from Him. That’s the reason it is a finished work. His cross is bigger than anything you and me could ever do! That’s what is so beautiful about a relationship with Jesus Christ. God gives gifts, not rewards. It is not about what you do, but God gives us gifts freely because of His love for us. Go ahead and make mistakes not because you set out to do so, but because you aren’t perfect. It will happen. No matter how big the mistakes are, or if you can fix them in your own power or not, when you mess up Jesus is still there my friend. If you have ever wanted to know my beliefs and concerns on this matter there it is. Yes, I write a self-help blog and speak on the topic, but my goal is to always point to Jesus through my life, because He first loved me. We all love, because He first loved us.
God’s love and passion for us is bigger than anyone can fathom.
That’s right. The maker of this universe loves you and me more than we can even begin to understand.
God knew you were going to mess up.
God knew you were going to disappoint and let others down.
God knew you weren’t perfect.
And the thing is, He says that it is ok.
As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him. And as far as sunrise is from sunset, he has separated us from our sins.
Psalm 103:11-12
He knew these things were going to happen and decided to look past all of the “mess ups”. After all of this, He still just wants to know us more.
Unconditional love is a beautiful thing.
Let God’s love for you define you because it already has. Don’t let your circumstances define you.
And don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God defines your life…
1 Cor. 7:17, MSG
Now, try to look at unconditional love from your daily point of view. Think of how many times someone has done something wrong against you. That one time someone cut in line. That time that someone said a bad thing or a lot of bad things about you. It is difficult to stay calm in every one of these situations and come out of it immediately loving the person who wronged you, right? When you think of it, these situations are small in comparison to what people do on a daily basis, and yet God sent His Son for all of that and more. So, maybe something has been bothering you for awhile. Maybe something so big that bitterness has set in and it now feels good to hold onto. We have all been there, but there is something that feels even better than a grudge… freedom in knowing complete happiness. If there is someone or something that is keeping you back from expressing God’s love in your life and through your life, it is time to let go of it and let God take over. Right now is the best time to let your resentment go. Don’t let it go another day.
Yes, you will make mistakes but that’s okay. Realize that God is the source and show His love in every situation beginning, today.
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