I often get the question, “Do you think dreams can change?” Since that’s happened to me, I actually know they can.
The question is what actually changes?…
Is it life? The person? The dream? The circumstances? The influencers around you? Did you just get tired of chasing? Was it too hard to reach your dreams, so you just gave up? Did you get scared? Maybe the dream just wasn’t the right fit for you. Or, did you have the wrong dream in the first place?
Once you figure out that you don’t want to chase your current dream any longer and what the reason actually is, the next part is finding what your next dream should be. The sooner you find this, the better.
Here’s three questions to ask yourself when looking for your next “big dream”:
1. What do I get excited about?
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What do you think about constantly throughout your day? How can you make your current happenings fit into your big dreams? It’s a great thing to be excited about what you are doing. Working in your “genius” makes you and everyone else better.
2. How big of an impact do I really want to have with this dream?
Some people are ok with having smaller dreams. I guess that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but if you’re going to dream, then you might as well make it big. People don’t remember the small stuff, so if you really want to leave a legacy, you’re going to have to dream big.
3. What are the things that I want to get out of this dream?
What do you get if your dream becomes a reality? Think of the results you could have. Is the process worth the result at the end? Those are the questions you’ll have to ask yourself and only you can decide.
It might seem that I am talking about your dream job, but you can really apply these things to those “big dreams” that you have in life.
So, how would you answer those questions?
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