This is a different kind of post for me, as I typically jot down all my thoughts in Evernote. But this time I wanted to jot down what I am currently thinking about here for you to see. These ideas may or may not become posts later, but I do find them all to be interesting.
Here are the eight thoughts running through my head right now:
- Companies should stop marketing to people by making them feel inadequate in order to sell them something that can make them adequate.
- Make your life more enjoyable so you don’t always need the two day escape of weekends.
- Fulfillment means finding what truly makes you happy and immersing yourself in it. This being said, don’t just settle for opportunities that are attractive, but search for ideas that you connect with and chase them relentlessly. This way you can provide others with the same positive feeling you are experiencing when they experience your ideas and products, rather than just a visual.
- Discomfort is what pushes you to try something new, so innovation and creativity can come from being uncomfortable.
- No matter how much you wish, things won’t just change on their own. Change requires action.
- I never want it to be easier; I just want to become stronger.
- Learn to celebrate your wins because it is much easier to focus on the losses.
- There is so much ‘good’ advice out there, so how do you know if you can trust someone’s advice? The answer is, if they are living the life that you want, then their advice is probably worth listening to. Knowing good advice and using it will always show in the fruits of someone’s life. So before taking someone’s advice or opinion seriously, ask yourself, “Does this person’s life display something I want for myself?” If not, then keep looking for better advice.
What are you thinking about?
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