The impact that social media plays in each individual’s life of course is different for each person, but I’d dare to say that it plays some part in each of their lives.
There are those people that can’t help that they have to check facebook and twitter every second of the day. You might even have to sneak it in at home or work.
There are those people that only use facebook.
There are those that don’t really care about anything but what their close friends are doing.
Then there are those social media stalkers that never write anything but they make sure to read every single post.
What kind of social media user are you?
Anonymous says
Addicted to twitter and FB user. Yep, that’s me! 🙂
jackalopekid says
ThatGuyKC says
Probably best described as a Twitter addict and passive Facebook user. Jury is still out on Google+.
Craig Desmarais says
I use twitter most frequently to inform others and interact with people outside my immediate social sphere. I use Facebook to share with those closest to me and to organize groups and events. I throw in a dash of Foursquare here and there, and I’m with @thatguykcis:disqus that I am still feeling out Google+.