Our human potential is astounding. “A study of 70 boxers found elite-level fighters could punch with an average of 776 pounds of force.” (Source) That’s raw physical strength skillfully focused in a small area. Extraordinary mental abilities and insights are available, too, along with story after story of mental and physical resiliency.
You and I live in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world which requires you to step up your game. Einstein pointed out that we need to “punch above our weight” in order to address the significant problems of our time: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”
We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. - Einstein Share on XThere are 6 key elements leaders like you need in order to punch above your weight:
Mindset shift – You can’t reach escape velocity from your past-bound performance until you know your big Why. What’s important? Who will you serve, and how? You must have this to win the daily mind battles against that part of you which is happy with status quo, or overly fearful of change.
Self-discipline practices – Self-leadership precedes all other leadership. You need a rhythm of physical discipline and spiritual disciplines (the world is much larger than what you can discern with your 5 senses). You need daily and weekly rituals to manage your energy. You need to create time for learning new skills and especially time for implementing what you learn.
Self-leadership precedes all other leadership. Share on X80/20 management – If you place a bet on every horse in a race at the racetrack, you will have bet on the winning horse. However, you’ll lose money because the odds-makers aren’t stupid. Pick the critical few things you should invest yourself in which have the biggest payoff. 80/20 says that 4% (1 in 25!) of your activity will generate 64% of the results.
Leverage your imagination – Nothing useful has been created which was not first in a person’s imagination. You can’t really lead without imagination.
Nothing useful has been created which was not first in a person’s imagination. Share on XCommunication – Up, down, and sideways. There is no leadership without communication, and effective dialogue separates great leadership from mediocre leadership. You need to improve the communication with your customers, your team, your boss(es).
There is no leadership without communication. Share on XRelationships – Being human is very much about relationships. Robots only need instruction sets, not leadership. You need mentors who can help you grow stronger. Seek feedback. Learn how to give it.
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