this is that thing that is my weakness, but i guess it could also be a strength in many cases.
i always want the next thing.
as soon as i reach a goal, then i’m on to the next one.
i wish i wasn’t this way.
i want to be happy for my success and take time to celebrate.
this is just something i have to learn to do.
Lord, help me to be thankful for everything single thing you give to me. Make me step back and count my blessings. Thank you and Amen.
What is that thing you struggle with?
K.C. Pro says
I definitely struggle with being content. If it wasn’t for a loving wife and Dave Ramsey I’d have all the coolest toys and be drowning in debt.nnOn the flip side it helps drive me to be better and remain accepting of change in the workplace. Instead of resisting it I kind of thrive on it.
KC Procter says
I definitely struggle with being content. If it wasn’t for a loving wife and Dave Ramsey I’d have all the coolest toys and be drowning in debt.
On the flip side it helps drive me to be better and remain accepting of change in the workplace. Instead of resisting it I kind of thrive on it.
Kellysinging says
My weakness is lack of diligence in keeping a productive schedule. I published my plan of action today on the blog.
Kellysinging says
My weakness is lack of diligence in keeping a productive schedule. I published my plan of action today on the blog.
Alece says
i think i’d put my discontentment high on the list too. nnalong with discernment. so bittersweet at times.
Alece Ronzino says
i think i’d put my discontentment high on the list too.
along with discernment. so bittersweet at times.