This is probably one of the most important posts that a blogger can make and I’ve waited way too long to make it. Sorry about that. In the past 424 posts, I’ve failed to set expectations. If you go back to the first two years that this blog was around, I posted every day, maybe even some Saturdays. That’s what you came to expect. Although that is my ideal frequency, I’m not going to write junk just to be able to post everyday. During the past year or so, I definitely haven’t held the frequency of posts where I want to because of having Colbie and other things that make up the busy things in life, but I’m here to let you know that I’m back now.
My contract is being written here so we can build trust with each other. In times that life demands that I write content once a week, I want you to know. When I’m here to write content 3-5 times per week, I want you to know. When life is too busy to write at all, or I need a break or I need fresh inspiration, I need to let you know.
When clear expectations aren’t set it leaves you, the reader, in the dark.
So, here are some points that I plan on delivering to you from now on:
My contract to you, the reader:
-I want you to be able to know that when you come here, that you will get a post to read 3-5 per week.
-I will take conversation further in the comment section when it’s needed.
-Most posts will end with a question. This blog was designed to discuss topics that need to be talked about and from asking “Why?”. A lot. Answering the ending question is usually vital to necessary discussion on important topics.
-My posts are short becuase if your attention span is anything like mine, I stay engaged in reading other writings for 2-3 paragraphs and then I need to go do something else. I usually find most posts to have “fluff” and the important step of editing is forgotten. Posts will usually be 200-500 words in length.
Other than this, there is the looming question in my mind of focusing blog content. I have seen others have great success with making different blogs focus on distinct subjects. I have thought about having at least two different blogs and focus one on the church and the other one on everything else.
But for now, I’m sticking with one blog and we’ll discuss different subjects that this blog focuses on which are
leadership, religion/church, music, technology, blogging/social media and life planning.
On Fridays, I throw in caption photos if I find a photo during the previous week that I find interesting and other random posts. Friday has become my “free day”. This gives a relaxing post right before the weekend. I doubt you want to read anything right before the weekend and after a long work week that will take too much mental capacity.
If posts don’t fit into one of those six categories, I try steer clear of them, except on Fridays.
I will rarely post posts on weekends, but will put posts from previous week on different social media networks.
That’s about it as far as what I can guarantee to you, the reader.
Feel free to leave your blog URL in the comment section below and while you’re at it, please tell us what it’s all about.
So, Have you ever thought of writing a contract for your blog? Whether you’ve written expectations out or not, what would be some expectations that you’ve placed on your writings?
The site is back up! This contract applies when the site actually works, of course. 🙂
The site is back up! This contract applies when the site actually works, of course. 🙂
Although I find blogs that write questions at the end of each post somewhat directing and forceful, I like this blog and will be keeping my eye on it. 🙂
Although I find blogs that write questions at the end of each post somewhat directing and forceful, I like this blog and will be keeping my eye on it. 🙂
I hadn’t really thought about doing a contract with my readers, but it really makes sense. My blog is: and I have a link to your blog on my blog.
I hadn’t really thought about doing a contract with my readers, but it really makes sense. My blog is: and I have a link to your blog on my blog.
Love the idea, love the heart, and I might steal it. ch:
Love the idea, love the heart, and I might steal it. ch: