What metrics are you using to determine success in social media? If follower count is your main KPI, I strongly consider you take another look at those followers.
Conventional wisdom states that high follower numbers = expert status, but this is false. The only kind of followers that matter, whether they be on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, or Google Plus, are targeted followers that have the potential to bring value, or those to whom you may bring value.
I’ve had experiences with clients and prospects who felt that they were doing a great job with their social media presence due to their high follower counts. Upon further research, I often found that a majority of those were friends, family, or totally unrelated users who could never or would never be potential buyers of members of their communities.
Remember that social media and blog success should be centered on a solid strategy of quality content creation and distribution. Social media is but a tool to handle the distribution side of the equation. It is a vehicle with which to move your strategy forward, not a goal in itself. Focus your efforts on creating quality content and using your social media community to spread your message. Invest in those community members who share and engage with your content. Don’t waste your efforts with meaningless attempts at getting more followers that won’t help you to make progress.
It’s understandable to get mixed up in the flashy numbers. It is posted in big black letters on your profile page, but they are simply vanity metrics and nothing more.
Focus on the right growth goals and don’t get caught up trying to win a popularity contest.
Adam Smith says
So true, Reade. The only thing that matters is that you are engaging an audience and building a tribe. Great stuff here for anyone to take away for using in social media.