There are different kinds of problems. Real problems and not so real problems.
You know.
There are those problems that I think are huge, but pale in comparison to real problems.
Like running out of toilet paper or milk or both at the same time.
After that actually happened to me, I now see that this wasn’t really a big deal.
But, I do consider people living with preventable diseases and thinking nothing can be done about them is a huge problem.
Well, I want to do something for my birthday.
I want to do something big.
Can a blog really make a huge difference?
This is where these people need our help.
For the next 24 hours, we are going to save lives.
Real lives.
All you have to do is buy a malaria net.
This would be the best gift you could ever give me.
Now, you’re now probably thinking how you are going to raise $9000 for one malaria net in a day.
Well you’re in luck.
They’re only $10.
That’s it.
100% of the money goes to buying the nets and distributing them. These nets will be going to Central Uganda to help stop malaria there. You’ll also be sent the GPS coordinates of where your exact net goes and be able to Google Earth the location of the person who’s life you saved. Pretty cool, huh?
Once you do make a donation, you’re saving a life so please leave the comment below, “Today I saved ### lives.”
Let’s keep raising money and saving lives until 11am on February 16th mountain time. When you go to the giving page, Pick “Save A Life” from the drop down.
Want to help spread the word?
Tweet this or put it up on facebook please. (The hashtag on Twitter is #savealife)
“Can a blog really make a difference? Find out with #savealife”
Rachelle says
I saved 2 lives today and it felt fantabulous 🙂