Well, today is Easter Sunday. I actually went to church last night, but that doesn’t really matter.
This year’s service was a little different, but in a good way.
That’s because I appreciate tradition. I really do.
Yes, young people like tradition, too.
I like the communion.
I like the Easter plays.
I like singing hymns.
I bet I’d even like Catholic Mass. I need to try that out sometime.
I think there’s always time for those things.
I always hear people wanting to change everything just for the sake of change and keeping up with the times.
I guess I can see that side, too.
Gotta keep it fresh.
What do you think of traditions?
wacky williams says
I’m not a big fan of tridion becuse it has a real propensety of causes flashbacks in me.
wacky williams says
I’m not a big fan of tridion becuse it has a real propensety of causes flashbacks in me.
Matthew Mohns says
It was interesting to read your perspective on this. I work in a tiny Baptist church deep in the south which is steeped in tradition. I find it quite difficult to balance tradition and newer things because if just the right amount (for some members, everything) of the service is isn’t exactly what they are used to, I hear about it for the next week and have to adjust. While I value the worship experiences that really work for this church, I want to challenge them to broaden their worship palate. I suppose what it boils down to is contrary to your worry that some feel the need to change things for only the sake of changing them, I find the wall I hit is those who want to keep things the same simple for the sake of keeping them the same. So from my current (albeit quite specific) position, tradition is complicating worship. That said, Easter service today wen’t quite well and I think there was something for everyone and most had a worshipful experience. Happy Easter and thanks for this post!
Matthew Mohns says
It was interesting to read your perspective on this. I work in a tiny Baptist church deep in the south which is steeped in tradition. I find it quite difficult to balance tradition and newer things because if just the right amount (for some members, everything) of the service is isn’t exactly what they are used to, I hear about it for the next week and have to adjust. While I value the worship experiences that really work for this church, I want to challenge them to broaden their worship palate. I suppose what it boils down to is contrary to your worry that some feel the need to change things for only the sake of changing them, I find the wall I hit is those who want to keep things the same simple for the sake of keeping them the same. So from my current (albeit quite specific) position, tradition is complicating worship. That said, Easter service today wen’t quite well and I think there was something for everyone and most had a worshipful experience. Happy Easter and thanks for this post!