Graduates, stop thinking that you need to have everything figured out.
Graduates, stop thinking that you need to have everything figured out. Share on XWhen you realize this one piece of advice, the pressure’s off. The person who says that they already have their dream job out of college probably won’t be at that place of employment longer than a year to then move on to their next dream job. The person who says that they have it all figured out is lying. The person who looks like they have it all figured out on the exterior is just putting up a front. Yes, having a plan is important, and I am a proponent of planning, but never do things go exactly as planned. Plans are good for directing people, not for guaranteed perfection.
If you’re graduating college at 22-years-old and you have it all figured out, then what good are the next 60? Life really is all about the experience, the journey, and the story, pushing you to dream boldly and to dare wisely. Life will be full of trial and error, mistakes, triumphs, tears, happiness, and in the midst of all of these things, there will be lessons learned — some the hard way and some the easy way — but lessons, nonetheless.
But even though you don’t need to have everything figured out, the balance to all of this is knowing that you need to pay attention. Listen to your life, make changes, and follow your dreams. You only get one chance at this life, so swing for the fences. Who knows what you’ll end up with?
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