We all have aspirations to do more with the time we have. The only problem is that expectations are higher from everyone and there seems to be less time than ever. Personally, I have to find as many ways as I can to get more done and you can probably relate. Thoughts of, “If there were only two of me…” or, “If there were only 26 hours in a day…” cross your mind on a daily basis. I will at least try any productivity hacks that I can find. Some don’t work and then some do, but I have just about tried them all.
Why is it important to even care about getting more done? Because what you do with your life is important. First, when you live a life with purpose, it blesses you. Second, it blesses others when you free up more time to pour into their lives. When you care enough to be productive, not only do you enjoy life more, but you impact others and bless them. Third, living a life of purpose means you feel better about life and stress less. Doesn’t living life this way sound great?
Here are 3 simple ways to get more of your life back and be more productive.
1. Create A Workflow
Systems are mandatory for success, not just goals. Creating a workflow will streamline your workday and make it easier to get more done. It keeps you focused and helps you become more productive. This not only allows you to keep work at work, but frees up your mind to be more creative with everything else in your life. It frees up time to focus on the right areas and encourages you to live life with purpose.
Focusing on systems frees up time for you to become a better leader.
2. Meditate
I know it sounds weird to tell you that you need to slow down in order to get more done, but it is one of the best tips that I have for you to get more done. Starting off your day with being still, remaining quiet and taking the time to think about what is ahead decreases stress in your life and increases focus. My ideal morning routine includes starting off my day by Reading God’s Word and meditating on Him. God is the source for everything good, so I allow Him to direct my life and influence my plans. It is God’s goodness and grace that has me where I am today, so I love spending time downloading His knowledge. This time with God calms my emotions and reminds me of all things good in life.
Remaining still and quiet allows you to think about your current circumstances and reminds you to have a fresh perspective on life.
3. Take Care of Yourself
In order to pour into others, you need to fill yourself up first. Whether you are reading helpful content, or listening to uplifting podcasts or surrounding yourself with encouraging people, taking care of these areas will help propel you forward. I don’t mean this selfishly, but to give back to others, you need to be in good health as well. It increases your effectiveness and your chances to succeed when you have your own life in order.
When you care about how you live your own life, it inspires, blesses, encourages and influences others.
With there being so many productivity tips out there, I have given you the best three tips I have found to get more done. Remember, being more productive makes you more affective, increases your influence and allows you to live a life full of purpose. When you increase your productivity, it allows you to accomplish more in less time. Everybody wants to get more done, right? Maybe you have found some effective tips you have found that you can share with the rest of us.
So, how do you get more done?
Hal Baird says
Adam: I think I’m OK with the points you make, but I still have a major problem in not being able to say “No” when asked to take on a new task/committee/group. I believe you had a blog about that some time ago. I wouldn’t mind reading it again if you could repeat it. I’m sure there are others like me who would benefit from a re-read of it.
Adam Smith says
Hi, Hal. I will have to find that one, as I have written a few posts on that subject. I believe that learning to say no to the right things is very important and then saying yes to the things that will benefit is an important step. Of course, you personally know where you are at and what you need to do. I would just say to commit to what you can do well and enjoy. It will be beneficial for everyone involved. Thanks, Hal!
Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg says
Hi Adam. Interestingly, near the end of 2013 I became ill…really ill. And this illness was from something I was doing to myself…taking lots of ibuprofen and other pain stuff. Why? Because I was doing things I should do (chronic pain from breaking my neck in 2000). I was overdoing, overextending, overusing my body. Push…push…push…medicate…push…push…push. I went down for the count and I could no longer take anything for pain. It forced me to start taking much better care of myself and I had to rethink my New Year’s goals and resolutions.
I came up with a plan, and it closely matches yours. I decided to STOP and put a system into place that would help me get the things done that were my top priorities. I am working on a book, so my system for that is to write 1 hour in the morning…every day. But before that, I meditate. I drink a cappuccino and read God’s word and pray. I need His spirit to help me write a book about all that He has done for me in a way that will help others. So taking care of myself has to be my priority for 2014 or I will not be able to do anything else.
Thanks, Adam. Have a wonderful week!
Adam Smith says
Wow, I am sorry you became ill. That’s no fun at all. Glad to hear you are better now.
I love your workflow. It shows what you prioritize and it’s affective. When you realize that God is the source for all things good, you realize you can’t and shouldn’t do anything without Him. I love it.