No fancy pictures here, just straight up honesty. Too many times lately I have been fitting life around stuff and not fitting stuff in around life. Some things creep in and too much time is devoted to them. Life gets busy and I forget the important things in life. I forget the important people in my life. I spend too much time worrying. I worry about my future, I worry about what others think of me, and I worry about what’s going on in the world and not worrying about what’s going on in my own life and relationships.
Tell me something-What’s something you worry about?
kimmlee says
Besides all those you just said, I worry about the decisions I've made or those I have to make.
jackalopekid says
me too:)
dphyfe says
"I forget the blessings i have been given and the Giver. "
really like the way you phrased that – Someday i pray that i won't be able to say i do this as often as i do now…
God has saved my life and blessed me with my life, thank God
jackalopekid says
Marcus Williamson says
I'm the graphics/visuals guy for a college ministry so I worry about how production is done and when stuff goes wrong I cringe. No one else really notices it but boy do I.
Anonymous says
for sure. thats pretty important stuff
jackalopekid says
yep. the burden of technology
Joe says
My worrying displays itself as impatience – I want things done on time and I worry that I won't get everything done that I need to. So I hurt my relationship with God by worrying and my relationship with others by being impatient with them.
jackalopekid says
yep. worry does nobody any good
Jason Carroll says
hey man, great blog, love the design and clean looks… I would like to think I don't worry about anything very much… but I for me it seems like once I get distracted by the things going on in my life I realize I am worrying about everything… so I gotta smack myself in the face and get back on track! ultimately I think I worry most about money, not because I don't make enough… but because somehow I always succeed at spending more than I should…
jackalopekid says
thanks man. so true. its all about how much we spend
Tattood1 says
Ur not alone bro. I worry way too much about way too much. It's something I've been trying to deal with.
jackalopekid says
glad I'm not alone
tam says
"What’s something you worry about?"
this is gonna look like a funny answer, but its true…
i worry about that i worry.
i really have nothing deeper or meaningful to say on that. other than i know when i "worry" it exasperates everything. which…makes me worry more.
however, i still worry.
mmmhmmm, welcome to my noggin.
alece says
my life is one big question mark at the moment.
today's biggest worry: "fitting in" to this new small group i started attending.
jackalopekid says
well I know you will. It's like that first day of school. haha
stephanie@geezees says
I also worry that time is passing quick and I am so busy I forget to be present in the moment…have to remember to take a step back and enjoy the moments
Roxanne says
I think if I listed what I don't worry about the list will be much shorter. Unfortunately I can't think of anything I don't worry about at the moment.
jackalopekid says
Well that's awesome u don't worry much. I wish I didn't. 🙂
Shana Poisel says
Frankly, I worry that I don't worry enough, and that I let things slip by that I really should be addressing. Being a procrastinator and a lazy person, I worry that I'm dumping things on God that I should, by rights, be dealing with.
jackalopekid says
Some good things to worry about. I def am a procrastinator