“Genius is 1% inspiration – 99% perspiration.” – Thomas Alva Edison
What exactly does this quote mean? Let me explain. Genius is defined as exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability; (or) a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect; (or) such ability or capacity. As I have stated in previous articles, we are all creative in some respect. Our task consists of discovering where those creative juices lie. We all possess “such ability or capacity”. Seek that 1% inspiration then work as hard as you can to make it happen – the other 99% will be blood, sweat, and tears, but it will be worth it in the end.
In this short video, Heather Payne, founder of Ladies Learning Code speaks on “How to Turn Your Side Project Into a Full-Time Gig”. What I enjoyed most about this video was that she took a simple idea and turned it into a reality. With a simple tweet, email list, brainstorming session for like-minded individuals, and the selling of tickets for her first workshop, she launched what would become a multi-city organization in Canada. As an entrepreneur, she now has the flexibility to work on other projects, set her own work schedule, and enjoys the freedom of doing what she loves.
I hope you enjoyed Heather’s story of how she became an entrepreneur by turning a simple idea and inspiration into reality.
Great post and video find, Vince. Love Heather’s story and the ease that she had with making things happen, as she had a great idea. I am working on so many ideas right now, I will release them as they happen, but I love where momentum is taking things right now. Heather is right. Doing creates momentum.
Thank you and you’re right, Adam. Doing creates momentum. I love that saying. When we start doing and creating, that momentum drives us to do more and be more. Much like in a football game, when momentum shifts for a team, they begin to almost become even better players in that game – if that makes sense, haha.
I’m working on a book project. This weekend, I’m sending out an outline of the book to a few people for review/feedback. I’m already excited and challenged by some of the feedback coming in so far.
Her talk is inspirational. On Ray Edwards’ recommendation I’ve created an idea file in Evernote to drop all the stuff that pops into my head and then move it to the action box when I make the time for it.