I don’t feel like waking up, I feel like hitting the snooze button.
I don’t feel like eating healthy, I feel like eating everything bad for me.
I don’t feel like taking action, I feel like sleeping all day.
I don’t feel like talking it out, I feel like keeping it to myself.
I don’t feel like exercising, I feel like watching tv.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I don’t feel like doing a lot of things.
Do you listen to your feelings more or do you tend to get stuff done no matter how you feel?
I don't feel like doing laundry, cleaning, etc. – I feel like sitting on my butt and being lazy. 🙂
I have to usually push myself to do things I don't feel like doing.
I tend to just suck it up and do what I need to do.. although there were times when I just didnt do anything.
My recent post 6 years..
i need to suck it up and get my stuff done man. got an intimidating todo list
For the longest, I was a feeler and immobile…I could find many a proverb that referred to my situation…there's a lion in the streets…ahhhh. Still am a feeler, but I get over and get it done, because I like the "feelings" that come after the task is complete better than the feelings that come when they don't get done ;O) Growing up is a beautiful thing! I don't always make it, but day by day it's getting better.