Creativity is defined as the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods or interpretations. We often associate the word creative with those who are musicians, artists, writers, painters, photographers, et cetera.
However, if we read the latter part of the definition, a creative exists as anyone who creates new ideas. For some, this can be scary, as we often like to stick to whatever has already been done previously. Instead of trying to come up with something new, we often try to imitate other people. We then compare ourselves to others thinking that if we do not succeed like so and so does then we are a failure. This could not be further from the truth.
Let’s take a look at some ways we can become more adventurous, find our niche, and be who we were created to be.
1. Don’t be afraid to try to new things.
The hockey great, Wayne Gretzky, said it best:
“You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
Do you remember this scene in the movie Up when young Ellie radiates with such passion her desire to travel and see the world? Little Carl Fredrickse, a shy and quiet one, has no idea what to think about Ellie. He probably thought she was some sort of misfit. Do you remember how the movie ends, though? (Spoiler alert if you have not seen this yet) The two fall in love and Carl ends up venturing out to Paradise Falls fulfilling the dream Ellie had for herself – in their house towed by thousands of balloons!
I think for some, our biggest fear exists as one of failure. Ellie was afraid of nothing. She dared to risk. She dared to try new things. Nothing was going to stop that little girl from becoming all that she wanted to be. Remember when you were a child and you felt like you could do anything you wanted to do? What made you lose sight of that? Make today the day you regain the child-like courage and fearlessness you once had.
“Adventure is out there!” – Ellie – Disney Pixar’s Up
What new adventures will you embark on today? What is something new that you can try?
2. Find your niche.
What are you good at? What do you love to do? If you are a writer, what tone and message do you want to convey? What is it that you do that makes you happiest?
For me, my niche is writing and video editing. It took me almost 24 years to find what I was most passionate about. I am now 27 and can say that I truly love writing and video editing. Those are two things that never feel like work for me.
We have all been given specific talents and abilities. The Creator of all things entrusted us with those things and wants us to use those in the best way possible. I thoroughly enjoy producing videos for organizations that I feel want to convey a positive message and whom I feel are doing great things. All of my video work thus far has been just that and I find peace and fulfillment in knowing that. When writing, it is my goal to always convey a positive message, to challenge others to think beyond themselves, and to change the world in whatever way they can.
If you have not already found your niche, I encourage you to keep trying until you do. You will feel a huge sense of peace once doing so.
What are you passionate about? What do you love doing?
3. Stop trying so hard – stay true to you.
Have you ever felt like you needed to become someone you are not?
Be honest. We have all been there. When we become secure in who we are, we allow others to see that uniqueness in us they otherwise would not have seen.
You were created to be you and no one else. How wonderful is that message? Let the pressure of having to live up to someone else’s expectations flee from you. It is time to stop comparing yourself to others and rest in the peace that you were created uniquely and for a specific purpose.
When David was speaking to God in Psalms 139 he said, “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”
When thoughts of comparison arise, will you shut them down?
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
How will you make the effort today to try to new things, find your niche, and remain true to yourself?
Great reminder, Vincent!
Thanks, Adam!
I am going to print this and post it on my mirror to read everyday this week. I can’t tell you much I NEEDED to read this.
I have struggled for over 20yrs to discover my passion…which is respectful communication. But it is so hard to live a world that doesn’t respect people. Communication therefore becomes a manipulative tool to make someone do what I want. That is not the type of communication I am promoting.
I call my company BRAVE Communication because it takes bravery to communicate in a way that is respectful of the speaker and the receiver. I want to help create the confidence in folks to do it.
This past week, I really felt like giving up my quest but I can’t. I can’t not do this. Double negative intended there. I have been trying to imitate what success looks like but an coming up so short because I am trying to imitate someone else instead of tapping into the creative that is me.
Ok, I can go on and on but I just need to print this and read everyday this week. Thank you for using your gift to inspire me to keep going yet another day!
I am truly humbled by your words. I’m so thankful that this was able to speak to you. I feel like this has been on my heart for some time and I didn’t really know how to convey this message until last week when I finished the rough draft. All that to say, I’m so glad this spoke to you! You are unique and your giftings were made for you!
You definitely wrote that for me. I almost cried as I realized that God was encouraging me through your words. I can’t tell you how much I needed this.
I just finished printing it and will taping it to my mirror shortly 😉
That’s so incredible! I love how He can use us like that!
Lovely and encouraging post. When we find our place in life, there is the blessings of the Lord..