If you’ve been in a rut, it’s time to get your creative juices flowing. And if you don’t know where to start, I have your answer: Creativity begins with being aware of an idea, but it can only be made visible through your work.
All you need for creativity to begin is to be aware of an idea. Share on XI say that you need to be aware of an idea, because very rarely will you have your finished idea in hand when you begin. That’s what the work process is for. Your work allows you to connect the dots with your ideas and produce tangible products for others to see. Creativity allows you to take what is in your head and put it into something for the world to see.
Steve Jobs said,
Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.”
When writer’s block comes to me, my best and only answer is to begin writing. Whether you are a writer or not, this idea applies to the area you need creativity in, too.
If you need to become more creative with your schedule, your best answer is to begin moving things around in your day, or to eliminate unnecessary items in your schedule, so you can see if you can create any margin.
If you need creativity with your art, your best place is to take your idea and see it through to the end. What does your idea look like as a finished piece of art? What do you need to do to make your art the best it can possibly be? Once you have your full idea, it’s time to get to work.
If you need to become more creative in your work, well the only way for that to happen is to begin working. Getting your hands dirty, making mistakes, allowing mishaps to turn into triumphs; that’s how you get creative with your work.
As you can see, creativity is always fulfilled through working with your ideas. Some people would say that they aren’t creative, but that’s not true. You are different than anyone else, coming up with new ideas, and you produce work in some way.
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