This advice works great for businesses and individuals alike. Many people will spend their lives searching for something different than what they already have, but what they typically don’t realize is that they already have everything they need. I know I’ve been guilty of this in the past. In business, I can tend to want to try something new and exciting, forgetting about the time and effort that I’ve previously spent on the basics, which made my business successful in the first place. In my personal life, I can also forget about the fundamentals that have made me successful, and neglect the importance of proven routines. Fundamentals are the building blocks of success.
Fundamentals are the building blocks of success. Share on XNo, I’m not saying to forget trying something new and exciting to grow your business and better your life, but what I am saying is that many times you can build on the great things you already have to become better. Life can be difficult, and sometimes it can seem like a fight, but sometimes we can make life much more difficult than it has to be. That’s where knowing the difference between what works and what doesn’t is a very important understanding for each of us to come to terms with.
If you have been doing the same thing over and over again, but you aren’t getting the results that you need, it’s time to change things. This is important to build the correct foundation for your life. But, once you have the foundation set, it’s time to prepare for what’s ahead, to put in the work, and to fall in love with the idea of repetition. Building anything lasting requires that you show up, it requires your time, and it requires determination to stand the test of time.
If you've been doing the same thing, but aren't getting the results you need, it's time to change. Share on XSo, what do you already have that is good, but you may be able to turn into something great? If it’s your personal life that you’re thinking about, what are you good at in the areas of health, relationships, and finances? If there’s tons of room for improvement, then just start with what you consider to be the most important area, and begin setting up better habits. If there’s not a lot that you need to add to those areas, then begin pushing yourself further. Start setting goals in those areas, and once you reach them, strive to become even better in them. That’s how one becomes excellent. And once you reach success, it’s time to share your tips with other people. Doing this informs them on how they can get to where they want to be quicker than they could without your help. But, please remember that none of this matters if you aren’t helping other people along the way.
And if it’s your business that you are trying to build bigger and better, know what you are known for and build those areas to the best that they can possibly be before tackling something new. Businesses become most known for their niche, so becoming excellent in an area of expertise is imperative for your long-term success. Don’t just take a look at your strengths and assume that they are as good as they can be, but really take a hard look at what can take your business to the next level in specific areas that your company is known for. Is your service truly the best that it can be? Can your products provide better results than they are already known for? And even if you feel your business is the best that it can possibly be, take the extra time to look at every aspect of it. Many times, your best can only be achieved with becoming more creative in your approach.
Many times, your best can only be achieved with becoming more creative in your approach. Share on X
Hardik Vaidya says
Thanks for writing this piece, Adam. The article resonated with me in multiple ways.