Bloggers, please put your blog URL in the comment section below so others can check it out. Once you take a look at the different blogs, feel free to add a couple to your RSS feed.
Adam Smith
I teach people how to have a greater impact through their work and their time. You can read more about me on my about page.
I have been following you on Twitter for a while now, but not really had the time to read your blog posts. But I have taken some time now, and am adding it to the feed reader, which is an amazing thing and the only reason I have time to read blogs now.
My blog can be found at I write about accounting, audit, ethics, cigars, and here recently, health care reform. Trying to cut through all the hype and take an objective look at all the options.
No blog for me I haven't really gotten into that part of the Internet. I like to read them though. I should probably downsize so that I might have time to blog.
Mathawaada..a collision of ideas of five individuals. This blog from Sri Lanka, explores a range of topics from vile politics to literature…please feel to come and have a look.
My family and I have been on the road full time now since October 2008 in our 34' home on wheels, traveling the US and Mexico sharing the love of Christ through practical service and the five character traits of compassion, sacrifice, passion, teamwork, and leadership (hence "share 5").
I have some of my poems as well as my personal struggles with depression.. I want others to know no matter what life brings your way. Nothing can fill the God-sized hole in your heart like the love of Jesus Christ! God bless you Adam..
Exploring the healing and growing of our concept of God and our concept of ourselves, in order to experience a deeper relationship with God and with others.
JewelledTrellis says
@gidgey says
JewelledTrellis says
FriedBob says
I have been following you on Twitter for a while now, but not really had the time to read your blog posts. But I have taken some time now, and am adding it to the feed reader, which is an amazing thing and the only reason I have time to read blogs now.
My blog can be found at I write about accounting, audit, ethics, cigars, and here recently, health care reform. Trying to cut through all the hype and take an objective look at all the options.
jackalopekid says
very cool. will definitely check it out
@kenmillerjr says
@jameseaton says
@ineffableGod says
thanks for your site/blog…truly awesome!
jackalopekid says
thanks man. appreciate it
jackalopekid says
very cool
Kevin_Martineau says
My blog is called "Shooting the Breeze." I blog about what God is teaching me and whatever else happens to be on my mind! 🙂
jackalopekid says
awesome man
Bill PappyFerrara says
very nice stuff. Bill PappyFerrara
john says
Out Here Hope Remains
found at
jackalopekid says
no problem
wildcat1998 says
No blog for me I haven't really gotten into that part of the Internet. I like to read them though. I should probably downsize so that I might have time to blog.
jackalopekid says
you definitely should. its for all that stuff more than 140
Mary says
jackalopekid says
hey you're on here. haha
rrchapman says
Writing while on a VTX
The thoughts coherent and rambling of a technical communicator living on the banks of Possession Sound.
dubdynomite says
Melinda Lancaster says
@Filioque says
realskullzero says
Mathawaada..a collision of ideas of five individuals. This blog from Sri Lanka, explores a range of topics from vile politics to literature…please feel to come and have a look.
or add me realskullzero on or
Also shout out to Jack for the wonderful idea…:D
@Filioque says
Hey jackalopeman… God bless you in all that you do.
Prudence says
chad houck says
My family and I have been on the road full time now since October 2008 in our 34' home on wheels, traveling the US and Mexico sharing the love of Christ through practical service and the five character traits of compassion, sacrifice, passion, teamwork, and leadership (hence "share 5").
Christian Haiku says
Not a blog, but a friend of blogs 🙂
Leo Gallant says
Dyslexic Bolggers Untie!
@smallfryeh says
bryan a says
Ramblings and Such
daily doses of nonsense from a writer, speaker, amateur humorist, and professional doof.
DerekDRobertson says
Thanks for the love man.
Looks a little amateur but hoping that I can clean it up soon or change to a wordpress?
jackalopekid says
awesome man. all about content for me
Aaron Armstrong says
Appreciate the thought, sir. Here's my blog:
Blogging Theologically:
David says – about sustainability and corporate responsibility
Uncle Luther says
Joshua Parker says
Melissa Lea says
mrchuk says
My recent post Gothika
Kevin_Martineau says
Still blogging at 🙂
Leo Gallant says
Thanks Adam, for keeping it about Jesus and community! Rock on!
Holly Smith says
I have some of my poems as well as my personal struggles with depression.. I want others to know no matter what life brings your way. Nothing can fill the God-sized hole in your heart like the love of Jesus Christ! God bless you Adam..
Laurence Schell says
Legacy of My Fathers
A blog about politics, God, and the human condition.
MargaritaMatt says
Chad Arnold says
One Debt at a Time…
Todd Ruth says
Bruce says for country code domain news.
My recent post Domain Name Appraisal
Joe Donaldson says
small groups, ministry, book reviews, marriage__
Jill says
Matthew Beard says
Love this idea!
@dansardinas says
brookjames says
Jeremy says
Exploring the healing and growing of our concept of God and our concept of ourselves, in order to experience a deeper relationship with God and with others.